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Great late season food plot picture

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  On 12/20/2016 at 10:46 AM, growalot said:

My catalogs are coming in...so many descions. Farmers beat me this year.. So I'm up in the air on what to do..know I have a bunch of tree cutting to do right after Christmas/ New Years.


Grow, could you list some of your catalog places, especially if they have fruit and nut trees good for NYS? I looked at that one seed company you mentioned in another thread recently.

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check out Cummings nursery, Mussers a for a lot of different trees ...both in driving distance...Well Musseres is in PA...not far from where our daughter went to grad school....Rraintree in Oregon...Starks..Wal-Mart for the Dunstun Chestnuts.   Also keep your eye open for any local nurseys. I found by chance a great one that sells whole sale...but keeps potted trees on hand for locals...I just happened to see a tiny add in the local Penney saver.

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  On 12/20/2016 at 11:36 PM, growalot said:

Yes ,that said but not all will remain..many are to bring in more Sun some will be to open oak canopy and others will be to enhance bedding ops and staging areas...the girls love jumping into down falls to get a break during the chase phase.


That 10 acre piece I bought last year is all pine. Over the years many of them got chocked out by the big trees and rotted. They are always falling making a tangled nest in there. I can bet dollars to donuts that every time we go through the trail we jump a number of deer bedding. I too will start opening up the canopy in some other areas on my property and do some hinge cutting. 

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Typed that late last night..just realized you may have meant seed no tree...I am cheap cheap cheap...so I hit every on line place I can and cruise the sales and best shipping...here's the rub prices are fantastic...then shipping costs 2x's the seed price...so you have to wheel and deal...like you can get 25#'s into a us postal box where it's a set price for shipping no matter the weight.. I wasn't sure when one place told me...I weighed the package when it arrived, a bit over 25#......I used Hancock last year got some good deals and the seed grew great...Also shopping around by seed...like Small Burnett...very expensive...if you type in where to buy Small Burnett...You can find seed company's that have better pricing..needless to say I NEVER even consider Amazon. Same  thing with Sainfoil...These are usually upper Midwest companies where this stuff is grown. I'm also very cautious as well...check company's out on line before even thinking to call...ya you'd be surprised fine print ...if you want an example of that check out the for mentioned Amazon...I suspect some are suckered right in. This is big business and there is always someone out there ready with their "clippers " looking for "fleece". :wink:

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