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veal & chicken cutlets

the blur

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Either the a loin or the one of the steak sections from a hindquarter would be your best bet. Cut no more than 3/8" thick and pounded flat. The key is to not over cook the venison, she will have more red blood/juice from the venison than the veal it breading it.

I make a similar dish with venison and breaded chicken cutlets, I sear the venison cutlets in a cast iron skillet in hot olive oil quickly (say 1 min. per side) just enough to seal in the juices, I bread the chicken and cook in a butter/oil/garlic mix in the same skillet. Then in a 9x13 baking dish, I start by layering the chicken and venison in alternating layers with a small amount of spagetti sauce between each layer(just enough to cover that layer) when all layers (@4) are done, I top the entire dish with sauce and either shredded or slice mozzarella cheese, bake the dish for 45-60 mins at 350*


Make individual layered serving dishes (such as small casserole bowls) and bake @ 45 mins at 350*

Serve with angle hair pasta and garlic bread.................................


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  • 2 months later...

I tried it tonight with a back strap.  came out pretty good, except the pieces that were really bloody.  the blood was ozzing through the bread crumbs.    The pieces of meat that were not bloody came out great.

I know for next time that the blood embedded pieces can't be fried....

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