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Rompola Buck


Is this deer a fake or Real  

50 members have voted

  1. 1. Is this deer a fake or Real

    • Fake
    • Real
    • Don't know

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By the way... The vote is off by ONE ...

Due to my semi-advanced-pre Alzhiemers syndrome, I accidently clicked on REAL rather than FAKE when I voted...

I think it was time for my NAP when I voted...

Due to his refusal to have the rack thoroughly examined, I really believe ol' MITCH is trying to blow smoke up our collective asses....He is hiding something...

As I once told my ex-wife ( at the time of our separation)...

I was born at night, but it wasn't LAST night... :D ....

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By the way... The vote is off by ONE ...

Due to my semi-advanced-pre Alzhiemers syndrome, I accidently clicked on REAL rather than FAKE when I voted...

I think it was time for my NAP when I voted...

Due to his refusal to have the rack thoroughly examined, I really believe ol' MITCH is trying to blow smoke up our collective asses....He is hiding something...

As I once told my ex-wife ( at the time of our separation)...

I was born at night, but it wasn't LAST night... ;) ....

fixed for you  :D

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Perhaps the distance between brows is what caused it to grow such a wide rack? Besides lot of work to cut sew in securly attach to remaining skull so it can be picked up and moved around by the horns without causing the newly attached hide not to shift in videos,or when being held for pic. ...jmo

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Perhaps the distance between brows is what caused it to grow such a wide rack? Besides lot of work to cut sew in securly attach to remaining skull so it can be picked up and moved around by the horns without causing the newly attached hide not to shift in videos,or when being held for pic. ...jmo

begs the question: why no other record bucks with genetics that come even close to that brow gap?
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yes, but how many deer have been checked/measured? plus i genetic anomoly is usually the cause for large horns to begin with. Whitetail deer are geneticaly suposed to be 8 pointers.. would it be a record buck it it wasn't geneticaly different?? I think when he dies the truth will come out as someone in his family will be looking for $ for the story. Its just way to much work to place a whole fresh ungutted deer in the woods without disturbing the area,or knocking the freshly attached antlers off or askue,make a blood trail,get it weighed, and all on video to be a hoax... unless your talking about government involvement like faking a landing on the moon..  ;)

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Real or Fake who knows. I have read a number of accounts that have indicated it was real by people who had seen the deer shortly after it was killed and by measurers.

The one thing I do know is Mitch is an incredible whitetail hunter and has been for a very long time. I have a friend that corresponds with him and have seen the photographs of bucks he has taken since the controversial one. He was also featured in the book Bowhuntings whitetail Masters which was published before all of this stuff occurred.

Is he obsessed? Of course he is. You don't accomplish what he has with out being obsessed.

I am not suggesting that he is not eccentric or peculiar in some ways but the guy can flat out hunt whitetails.

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yes, but how many deer have been checked/measured? plus i genetic anomoly is usually the cause for large horns to begin with. Whitetail deer are geneticaly suposed to be 8 pointers.. would it be a record buck it it wasn't geneticaly different?? I think when he dies the truth will come out as someone in his family will be looking for $ for the story. Its just way to much work to place a whole fresh ungutted deer in the woods without disturbing the area,or knocking the freshly attached antlers off or askue,make a blood trail,get it weighed, and all on video to be a hoax... unless your talking about government involvement like faking a landing on the moon..  ;)

Yes, record book bucks have an abundance of genetic similarities, and the one outstanding similarity they all share is the gap between the browtines. Measure that gap on 200 plus bucks such as Jordan and Hanson and you will find a similar gap between the browtines that fall well short of this Rampola "buck".; and I mean not even in the same universe. Actually the alleged Rompola buck blows every other record buck in history off the charts with respect to this distinguishing characteristic.

That alone defies all else and simply could be a longer shot than is genetically possible for a whitetail deer. No one else even comes close and that doesn't sound right in the world of "giant" deer where the norm is one animal being fractions ahead of the other. The Rompola takes a giant step in this category where the norm is also fractional. For me, that math just doesn't add up.

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I am not a scorer but i do not see a measurment of this gap anywhere written down, or it as part of a scoring system. In taxonomy there are significant differences within a species. look at our own, midgits, to giants, to the elephant man. our defining charateristics are teeth, and cranial capacity.,who knows mabe a pedicil was knocked off and reattached after being hit by a car when young, or a fight, one can't say for certain without examination of the skull plate?? to many variables to consider.. jmo.. like i said the story will come out when he's passed from this world.. and as i say in other posts... innocent until proven guilty. reluctance to have measured,gap,these are all based on assumptions...the only one that knows the absolute truth and can set the record strait isn''t talking.......

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I am not a scorer but i do not see a measurment of this gap anywhere written down, or it as part of a scoring system. In taxonomy there are significant differences within a species. look at our own, midgits, to giants, to the elephant man. our defining charateristics are teeth, and cranial capacity.,who knows mabe a pedicil was knocked off and reattached after being hit by a car when young, or a fight, one can't say for certain without examination of the skull plate?? to many variables to consider.. jmo.. like i said the story will come out when he's passed from this world.. and as i say in other posts... innocent until proven guilty. reluctance to have measured,gap,these are all based on assumptions...the only one that knows the absolute truth and can set the record strait isn''t talking.......

If there was pedicle damage the antler would not have grown back normally... and you can get a feel for the gap sized based on where the pedicles are in relation to the eyes... ans the fact that the pedicles face out to the side rather than upward of the skull... even the worst cases of hormone imbalances and injuries that cause antler deformity... the pedicle placement remains consistantly normal... I guess it's possible that this buck is one in a zillion.. but I highly doubt it... although I will say the video footage is somewhat convincing.. I believe that buck may have sported those antlers.. I would contend that the spread was altered giving it nearly 25 inches of extra score...

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I am not a scorer but i do not see a measurment of this gap anywhere written down, or it as part of a scoring system
never said it had anything to do with scoring. It just obvious that this gap is nowhere near any other record class bucks.

Now combine that with the fact that all 200+ plus bucks have similar gaps except for only this one which is in a separate ballpark entirely. Just look at the picture and how the brow spread brings the ears into play. No other giant buck looks like this. Looks freakishly unnatural.

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Most record book bucks look freakishly unnatural james jordan buck,rath buck,hole in the horn,ect.  I can say they are all unnatural in size,mass,point legnth,number of points. Everybuck is different .... like I said if its a fake it look a lot or extreme work from sewing the horns into a fresh kill placing it into the woods without disturbing leaves, making a blood trail, taking it to get it weighed, allowing it to be measured(although by friends) the only thing he did is not let it be panel scored...why? This is the only thing that gets people jumpinig to conclusions about the spread,pedical distance,ect. Instead of saying wow what a great world record contender...wish he would get it panel scored. How many old deer heads that are in the top 20 in the books hung on walls never measured for years even though b&c had been around for years this will probably be another find in 50 years some distant relitive will bring it back to light... The only thing I can say for sure is he doesn't seem to want it panel scored why.... its his deer and none of my buisness why.its not like he running around saying I shot the largest buck in the world.. he said here's a buck I shot people got jealous and he removed the buck from view...

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I dont think he would have agreed to sign papers that he would not promote the deer to be a record buck if it was.Milo was gunna sue his ass if he did not get it checked out like they wanted to do.I dont think a person is going to lose that kind of fame and fortune if it was truley a legit kill.I say its hogwash but thats my opinion.I can show you 3 bucks behind fence that beat the record and none even look close to that thing.Its a hard call to say someone is dopein people but when one little xray would clear the air ?????????????

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Most record book bucks look freakishly unnatural james jordan buck,rath buck,hole in the horn,ect.  I can say they are all unnatural in size,mass,point legnth,number of points. Everybuck is different .... like I said if its a fake it look a lot or extreme work from sewing the horns into a fresh kill placing it into the woods without disturbing leaves, making a blood trail, taking it to get it weighed, allowing it to be measured(although by friends) the only thing he did is not let it be panel scored...why? This is the only thing that gets people jumpinig to conclusions about the spread,pedical distance,ect. Instead of saying wow what a great world record contender...wish he would get it panel scored. How many old deer heads that are in the top 20 in the books hung on walls never measured for years even though b&c had been around for years this will probably be another find in 50 years some distant relitive will bring it back to light... The only thing I can say for sure is he doesn't seem to want it panel scored why.... its his deer and none of my buisness why.its not like he running around saying I shot the largest buck in the world.. he said here's a buck I shot people got jealous and he removed the buck from view...

You keep comparing record bucks to regular bucks. I did the logical thing and compared them to other record book bucks. Try comparing them to each other for a change as that has been the point that I have tried to make but you have ignored it.

Why not look at some pictures of these record book bucks and notice that the brow gaps are all similar except for the alleged Rompola buck which looks nothing like others in the same class.

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Watch the video of the recovery..... I'm basing my opinion based on evertthing that is available to see.not a single pic of pedicals that are to far apart compared to other trophy animals. You forget this was measured just not panel scored. Yes it was friends of his and if you are a hunting finatic you would know measurers as well. The pedicals may be the thing that allowed this deer to be the trophy it is... it may be fake but to do that and create a video of recovery pick up the head by the horns,measure it, have people come over and see it...the man must be a better illusionist than hudini ever thought of being. This was shot before photoshop and to edit video back the would of required a lot of labwork in an extremly short time. And he would of had to do this all himself in the matter of a day....it isn't one picture that was photoshpoped ....and how would you buy silence from everone who had seen it? Someone would come to the $ table and tell their story of how they helped fake it..but no one has .. the only thing not done is panel scoring(which includes xray of skull plate).

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Watch the video of the recovery..... I'm basing my opinion based on evertthing that is available to see.not a single pic of pedicals that are to far apart compared to other trophy animals. You forget this was measured just not panel scored. Yes it was friends of his and if you are a hunting finatic you would know measurers as well. The pedicals may be the thing that allowed this deer to be the trophy it is... it may be fake but to do that and create a video of recovery pick up the head by the horns,measure it, have people come over and see it...the man must be a better illusionist than hudini ever thought of being. This was shot before photoshop and to edit video back the would of required a lot of labwork in an extremly short time. And he would of had to do this all himself in the matter of a day....it isn't one picture that was photoshpoped ....and how would you buy silence from everone who had seen it? Someone would come to the $ table and tell their story of how they helped fake it..but no one has .. the only thing not done is panel scoring(which includes xray of skull plate).

The buck pic definitely wasn't photoshopped..the horns look like they were put on the head... and a deer with pedicles in such an abnormal position probably would'nt have grown a rack as typical as that... it wouldn't have been so hard at all to fake.. in fact my taxidermist friend and I played a trick on a friend of our back in the early 1990's where we placed a set of antler into the skull of a doe and sewed back up the hide and fool a ton of our friends telling them we killed a huge antlered doe... and these friends got to see the deer close up actually able to handle it... and hudini's we are not... the kicker is that rampola got very upset when he was told that the buck needed to be panel scored... he has had other bucks put in the record books and that shouldn't have been a big deal for him... it has always been B&C policy... I think it was because he knew that the buck would make it passed such scrutiny

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So why sign papers saying that he wont promote the deer.Thats just crazy.If this guy is the hunter people say he is and he has shot many record deer then it should not be a problem.I think he shot some great bucks and got a reputation and then went overboard on this deer.It makes no sence to not clear your name by just a little test.

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Hey i'd like to see it done as well but its his right not to for what ever his reasons are..maybe he just hate attention and feels this was the best way to aviod it. But I have seen what is out there and the evidence is pretty clear he killed a heck of a deer. Because he doesn't Have it tested doesn't mean its a fake.

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