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3 more hours of season


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Well tomorrow morning will be it. I plan to sit the food plot at the end where the turnips are. I plan to sit until about 10am unless I happen to have the big guy step out and then hopefully I can get the job done. After that I'm gonna take the SXS with a few boards, some brown tarp and set up a lean-to on the top of the ridge overlooking the creek bottom. I got a nice big old brown plastic porch chair with shortened front legs already there. Plan to sit out the rain Saturday all day with my rifle across the arms.

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I'll be out tonight for my last horrah, I might just hang a new set instead. I have a nice little spot picked out for a double stand. My archery season has been pretty sad, no real opportunities I could capitalize on. I whiffed one shot on a doe that ducked the shot I could not believe it. Never had that happen, it certainly won't happen tomorrow. I hope to get my son in the stand with me next week over thanksgiving vacation. Hopefully this time he can sit for a couple hours till dark maybe a morning hunt would be better.

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