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Creekbottom carcass cam


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I threw our turkey carcasses down in the creekbottom and covered them with sand 2 feet in front of the cam.

I was tempted at first to drop them off at the fox den for the pups, but thought twice about it fearing any leftovers might attract some other toothy predators and things might not shake out so well for them.

This red fox (as well as another with a bald rat tail) worked all through the night to finally claim her prize before the competition arrived on the scene the next morning. Always feels good to look back and know I made the right call when it comes to interfering with nature. This was nowhere's near my fox den, but I have a feeling the results would have been the same if I had placed the carcasses there. The carcasses were CRAWLING with maggots the day before these vids were taken. I guess that just adds protein to the meal!


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