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New Guy


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New to the forum and soon to be new to the state. Originally from PA but have been pretty nomadic the past couple of years. This fall I will be moving to the Ft Drum area, so I figured I should join a local state forum and start my scouting out via the internet. I look forward to hunting and fishing again in the northeast and hopefully getting to know some of you. Take care and good luck this upcoming season.

p.s. if anyone has any suggestions on good places to live in Jefferson County that has quick access to decent hunting and fishing let me know. 

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Double welcome then.  I was a PL in the 108th a million years ago.  My best buddy from ROTC was the Divisional G2 for Operation Anaconda and did a second tour as XO for the 2-87.

When he was was on post we did some great bass fishing on base.  Never got to hunt there but have heard from many stationed there that the on-base hunting is quite good. 

Would be happy to host you for a day on my property in Madison County during southern zone deer.  My hunting buddy is a retired E-8 from the Air Guard.  We're happy to invite a fellow warrior to hunt with us, the least we can do.  Stay in touch. 

Also - not sure if you have kids, but Pack 26/Troop 26 Scouts are great units on post if you have sons.

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It's great to hear from a fellow warrior. I really appreciate the invite to hunt with you and will definitely keep in touch. I won't be in the area until the fall but I will shoot you a message when I am.

I don't have any kids yet, its just me, my wife and the dog for now

Sorry for taking so long to respond. I have been away from the computer this weekend.

Thanks again and I'm excited to get up there,


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