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its that time..


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Started doing some scouting for food sources and hung a few stands. Apples looks good even with how dry its been,first good crop here in about 3 years those late frosts killed blossoms last few years.Oaks are losing weakend nuts to the lack of rain already. A few wild plumbs/pears around but they never last into bow..unless they open it on oct 1 :( the corn is stunted and it will be a wait and see if it gets the rain it needs,clover plots look good. ... 2 stands in 100% heat and a few refreshing beverages later and i'm almost ready to put up a few more...

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I agree G-Man. It's time for stands to go out.  Have two placed during my lunch break already, that I like to get in, so I can stay out till hunting season. Boy' is it a hot one out there. The only thing that cools me down is the thoughts of October coming quick. Not to long ago, it was 10 degrees sitting in some of these stands.  Oaks and hickorys are dropping small nuts here as well.  Also loosing more small apples than usual. They might be getting stung more.  Good luck to you, and be safe.

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I try to get all my stands up and lanes trimmed by the 1st week of september and then stay out of the woods till the bow opener. This is a large undertaking as there are 30 plus stands across almost 300 acres. Yes there are stands for every wind direction,bow only.and gun only. Got sick of moving stands during season and after a few dozen years the stand collection has grown...

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