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Found it strange to ask.....

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I was at a party last night when a fight broke out in the parking lot.One guy was blown out of his mind two guys where holding him down[behind my car] the cops soon showed up and cuffed him they where all friends so no one wanted any charges pressed.One of the cops asked the guys sister if he had any pistols or long guns at his house?? she said no a few minutes later another cop walked over and asked the same exact question?? This guy never made any threats to anyone. I found it very strange to ask a question like that and it was with in the first few question he asked.I don't hang out in bars and never see things like this but is it normal to ask a question like that??

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Honestly its probebly the norm now with the red flag laws you will probebly start seeing this happen whenever any argument happens ain't no differant then them asking if you have any weapons when they pull you over for a traffic stop

Edited by silent death
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I was shed hunting public woods that bordered a private residence- homeowner called cops and 3 cars came screeching up to the woods. I walked over, introduced myself, produced ID and they asked where my car was. I told them where it was parked(legally)and the cops said, “why don’t you give me your keys and I will bring my up here for you.”
“No thank you”
“Why not? You have something to hide in there?”
“No. My car is legally parked and I am capable of walking to get it when we are done.”
Seem like they were digging for sure.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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It doesn't seem an unreasonable question if this is a situation where tempers are running high and one guy is drunk (if that's what "blown out" means). Not unheard of for someone to leave a fight, go home get a gun, and come back to kill someone.

The cop offering to drive the car is ridiculous.

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