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The boys are back in town


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50th wedding anniversary of the guy in the center . So about one year on the job I got to transfer to a busy house in the ghetto, with these guys . The guy in the center , decorated Vietnam vet ,and the funniest guy I ever met . Guy with the cane has been fighting  a couple different cancers, now in chemo , about the most loved and respected guy on the job in decades . We fought tons of fires, saved a few folks lost a few .

Tonight was a night of laughs and drinks ,and stories , but not of fires ,but of , remember when you backed up the rig into the Chiefs car ......

Its hard to explain,but we had so many close calls, trips to the hospital and just out right laughs and we don’t give a F.... times it was crazy . We were proud that no fire that we were first in at ever went to a second alarm , because we put the fuc@# out . Saved a few folks ,dragged many dead ones,out . A bond that few will ever know , and things that most are better off not seeing .

one New Year’s Eve , three kids were killed in a fire , the M.E.was tied up on a homicide , the locals,were all drunk and upset with the bodies in the yard , so they loaded the kids up in the ambulance and brought them to our firehouse , were myself and another FF , set burned up bodies on our floor, until they could be picked up . My most memorable New Year ......

Anyways tonight was a night of nights ! Men bounding and laughing , and and dreaming of the days we were young and strong .


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Ha I was pretty drunk when I posted that ( had a few more once home ) , wrote more then I remembered ..... and seemed to spell things ok ! The guy with the cane is going through 28 rounds of chemo right now , it’s hard for me to see .

When I first got a spot there, those guys played Hearts all night long, and it was always pass to screw the low man , they knew every card thrown and who was out of what suit . I had no idea, he kept calling me “ dumber then a Fu%ing chicken .”  Still makes me smile ! 

We had annual Christmas parties , ( complete with Santa and presents for the kids ) ,Easter egg hunts, sledding parties, pool parties , camping trips and so forth . As we each got promoted nobody was ever able to recapture that at our new firehouses , so its special to get together when we can, even though a couple were missing last night .

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Theres nothing like the brotherhood at the station. Been on the job for 12 years now. Yes we have are disagreements but at the end of the day were brothers. Sometimes closer to them then our own families. To bad times have changed and we cant have as much fun as years ago.

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I just spent the day with my cousin who is on the job in STaten Island so spends a ton of time with the jaws of life on the verenzano bridge. He started telling stories and you can just see him drift off to the place that makes him so happy.

From Dutchess County Fair...was this one of yours!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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