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Even though in the past ...due to rock picking...which I didn't do as much this year...I planted in mid July and yes it did get small ears...I'm thinking that the ears my be bigger this year for I got it in earlier...though the dry weather we had held off growth for a while....Also I broadcast ...not drill and over seed it in order to beat the birds and deer...as you have seen we have a lot of turkey....so the corn is pretty close together...which will effect cob size ...I would think...all of it always germinates...The soil it's in was virgin ground and really acidic...even with the lime I added...it takes several years for me to get the ph where I want it...the deer are still munch on the new growth and once the frosts hit they will hit the leafs again...by January it will be nothing but bent over stalks.....

So the gist is...I plant to lower road hunters view until the pines fill in more...to give them a feel of security to get them out during the daylight...and a place to bed in....for 9.00...well corns up to 11+ now...but they also get some food value out of it...I can't go wrong ;)

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The local feed mill tells me if the corn has been dried, it won't germinate. Are you buying corn in bags or obtaining it on the cob.? I bought a hybrid cob corn on a auction one year, but it didn't do much. I started with a non hybrid corn from the Amish quite a few years ago.  It is 115 day growing season and have sucessfully saved the seed for replant every year. With the late planting and drought this year( which we are still in) it looks like I will loose the seed. I would like to get a shorter day corn for next year. Any advise?

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Just standard TC farm feed corn...I swear every kernel  germinates...tested a small amount last year with round up and it grew great...was going to test larger area this year but the drought made me hold off...then it came in so thick no need...I'll look through and see if I saved pics from previous years to show cobs...like I said I mainly use it as a cover and bedding...found they really like eating the stalks and any cobs that grow......Problem is Ag. stores don't want to see the cheaper sold "feed" being grown...when they can sell the planting corn for 100x's more money...now if I were drilling and seriously in need of big beefy kernels to sell ya I'd spend the money...but all I need is some feed value with the cover and bedding value..to keep them in the field during shooting hours...corn is grown all around us...let them feed the herd...for they chop all the corn for the dairy cattle and cut it for the beefers just before bow season...that leaves me with the only standing corn around :D

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The corn seed I got from the Amish grew ten foot stalks to the top of the tassels. The ears averaged about 9 inches in length with a diameter like the corn, the old timers use to grow.  Cobs were a good 2 1/2 inches in diameter, with big kernels. Kernel planting placement 6 inches apart in 28 inch rows. I also like to seperated the rounds from the flat kernels, so I can run the rounds through the planter. The flats, I broadcast on.  Picked some for the chickens, and left quite a bit for the deer. The only thing we noticed, is the deer wouldn't come into it with a breeze or higher wind blowing the leaves, until dark.

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I stared 20 years ago with 1 acre of corn which was wiped out by end of november, i now plant 7-10 acres year and it last till spring greenup .  the question is are you planting it as a hunting plot or as a feed field to help game thru the winter?                                                                                                                                                Seed is seed you can buy uncertified oat,winter wheat,corn,ect a lot cheaper as feed. most corn grown now is rr ready guess what that gene is passed down in the seed(feed)! just do a germ test take 100 seeds and place on top of a few lawers of a damp paper towel. cover with damp paper towel. let sit for a few days keeping damp(not wet) uncover count the seeds that have begun to grow. ex 89 are growing thats 89% germ . 99 would be 99%. for a lot of us food plotters the seed costs can be significantly reduced. the only problem is you don't know the growth days 97 day corn or 115 day. join the turkey federation free roundup ready corn coated seed sized for planter plates as well, with growing date s and germ data on the tags.. Imo worth the 25$ a year membership for 4 bags corn and free seedlings (crabapple this year).

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I stared 20 years ago with 1 acre of corn which was wiped out by end of november, i now plant 7-10 acres year and it last till spring greenup .  the question is are you planting it as a hunting plot or as a feed field to help game thru the winter?                                                                                                                                                Seed is seed you can buy uncertified oat,winter wheat,corn,ect a lot cheaper as feed. most corn grown now is rr ready guess what that gene is passed down in the seed(feed)! just do a germ test take 100 seeds and place on top of a few lawers of a damp paper towel. cover with damp paper towel. let sit for a few days keeping damp(not wet) uncover count the seeds that have begun to grow. ex 89 are growing thats 89% germ . 99 would be 99%. for a lot of us food plotters the seed costs can be significantly reduced. the only problem is you don't know the growth days 97 day corn or 115 day. join the turkey federation free roundup ready corn coated seed sized for planter plates as well, with growing date s and germ data on the tags.. Imo worth the 25$ a year membership for 4 bags corn and free seedlings (crabapple this year).

Gman - whats the website for that turkey federation?

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Fantail;  I'll plant about 3 acres usually, sometimes a little more or until my seed runs out. It usually last into February when the deer go off it. The main thing here is the squirrels and chipmunks love it to.  I see cobs in the v's of trees from them. Plant enough to feed all the little critters. Trial and error is  how we did it.  We usually have farmers around us that plant hundreds of acres, so maybe that's why it last. One thing I might add, corn loves fert. Make sure you put plenty on, 300-400 lbs/ acre.

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I have seen squirrels carry corn into the woods for over 100 yards or more. One year I was sneak hunting and an ear of corn landed by my feet. Thought my Nephew was fooling around and throwing it at me. Turned out to be a squirrel high up in a tree. Remember bears also love corn and will be in it all day and night!

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Burt that's too funny....came home a few days ago and told MrB I got bombed.."what?" yep with and ear of corn...looked up and in the beech and on a branch ten feet up there was a squirrel....chit...chit..barq..barq..barqing at me...the ear bounced off my hat ..I picked it up and threw it at him....he'd been visiting the neighbors corn field :P

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http://www.nwtf.org/ thats the national site, http://www.nwtf.org/in_your_state/lists.php?STATE=NY i sugesst you find a local chapter thru a banquet and join an active chapter(ask the regional director which are active!!. the corn seed is given out by chapter which then gives the allotments out. I belong to the niagara frontier chapter. each member that wanted seed(yes i had to talk to a chapter officer to sign up) got 4 bags of rr corn this year. they have a state chapter project called project appleseed as well that gave out crabapple seedlings with tree tube protectors stakes and fertalizer tabs as well. the also have a seed program for a clover mix that casts you 1/4 of what a bag would normally go for. not to mention the national programs (project help)that give discounts on tree and shrub and plot seed that will grow in your specfic area. I f you just join and do not participate you'll miss out on a lot of good programs that just get sent to the chapter. (its like a club the more you put in the more you get out).
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Burt that's too funny....came home a few days ago and told MrB I got bombed.."what?" yep with and ear of corn...looked up and in the beech and on a branch ten feet up there was a squirrel....chit...chit..barq..barq..barqing at me...the ear bounced off my hat ..I picked it up and threw it at him....he'd been visiting the neighbors corn field :P

Funny stuff!

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BJ ...I quick looked through my pics and all I could find is the late Feb pic of a second year section...I've been planting it in sections opening up that field and getting closer to the road...any how you can see where the deer ..raccoons and turkeys pulled all the stalks over to get the cobs....if I recall it was a thin planting ...due to turkey and grackles that year...and it was a mid-late July planting... cobs were short but fat...by march there were no leafs left on them...I either deleted for room or transferred pics to a zip drive...God only knows where I put that :-\ ...hope it helps

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Yeah, I was just curious.  I wonder when the best time to plant corn is so that its at its prime state in Late Oct / early Nov, I guess that really depends on the type of corn and all the other factors like soil, fert, weather....  Next year I'd like to try corn in my field.

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the earlier the better after danger of frost. i like to shoot for middle of may but it can still black tip and dent when planted in june. deer prefer dried(dented corn) if it gets frosted before black tips its usually is rubbery and subject to fungus..deer will avoid it.

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Went down to work on the blind this a.m....got most of walls up...at least the hard ones...now need filler piece in around windows and because dumpster diving got me 3/4 in outdoor plywood ...instead of the luan(sp) I painted for the walls ...I have to paint again and the luan(SP)can be used as inside walls and I'll add more insulation...got me behind but better construction.....Any how ...the corn grew 2ft and has tasseled and is silking up....next door neighbor came over to see the"Condo" :) ...and said he couldn't believe how fast and how much the corn shot up after the last few thunder storms....he said one day he could see over it ...I think from his deck...next not ;D ...

He thought the veiw from inside the blind was awesome so  I'm happy....there are huge piles of manure...all around the blind...after rains I really can't tell if it's deer or bear.....I know what bear smells like so I'm thinking deer...need to buy tint for the windows and cut them and put the flashing around the corners to seal before painting and install the J moulding window tracks

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Not lately ...I've been wild busy and our house pump and wire is all messed up...electrician arrives in an hour..plus surgery last Wednesday and now more test this Wednesday...the garden mowing..yada yada yada ;) ...but when I get her done I'll post any pics I've taken.....geez that 3/4 in plywood is heavy and not the easiest to nail up 6ft lengths 14 ft up off the ground alone...no wonder I had originally planned on the thin stuff :-\ took me for ever it seems...all lower pieces now..much easier

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