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Random buck pics from the past week...

WNY Bowhunter

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now the question..will they all stay once the bachlor group breaks up.....  boy id like oct 1st as the opener this year.....

Typically, in my area bucks that are two years of age and older don't tend go too far from where they spend the summer.  Radio-telemetry studie show that as a buck matures his core area shrinks in size.  I found a shed from the big buck in the top pic back in April less than 100 yds from where this camera is set-up...

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I have seen a 2.5 yo punk buck run ever other deer out of an area..mature bucks are ornary..they want to be left alone....some are fighters, some loverr and others just introverts....the most dominant (not oldest or biggest) will keep the core areas and best food sources

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I have seen a 2.5 yo punk buck run ever other deer out of an area..mature bucks are ornary..they want to be left alone....some are fighters, some loverr and others just introverts....the most dominant (not oldest or biggest) will keep the core areas and best food sources

I do think that a buck's individual personality effects his movement patterns, but, I don't believe a dominate buck will totally run-off all of the rival bucks in his area.  Seems like a dominate/aggressive attitude usually ends up putting that buck in the back of a pick-up truck come November...

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