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Fall Turkey Hunting


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You know what? I just may give a go this fall until bow season opens. I haven't done any fall turkey hunting in the last 5 years but have the urge this fall. Haven't been seeing too many flocks lately but that might be due to the abundance of the crop this summer within the woods. A lot of birds in my area hatched late.

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I always turkey hunt in fall (have to get my thanksgiving bird!) All turkey hunting(spring or fall) is 90% woodsmanship 5% calling and 5% luck! You need to know what they are eating or will be eating..my neighbor laughs at me walking thru the woods in august with a pair of binocs looking for nuts hanging on trees and making notes what is where and such. I do the same with crops whats planted where/when it was cut, ect. After a while i find trees that hold nuts longer than others or produce everyear..all written down.. Then come the part of knowing the turkeys habits/roost areas and travel patterns. It all comes together reading sign/scratchings and maybe a stalk or sit will be in order.. Bonus is while im looking for all the mast for turkey i stumble into some great deer info as well!!

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Oh ya...I have all permanent blinds shored up and comfy lawn chairs in them....I have the two enclosed blinds and 1 1/2 acres of sorghum just loaded with seed heads plus they are loving the Succraseed....Maga plot and clover plots............I have 3 different flocks on the property that I know of

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In past years of fall turkey hunting, I've seen plenty of hens and a jake or two, but never a gobbler. They seem to start hanging out on the farm, late October, about the time the woodcocks roll in,and stay to about Thanksgiving. Their in the chickory and clover then and hang out in the back thickets alot. Don't know where the gobblers are?

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Although i have never harvested a turkey in my life spring or fall, i have had a lot of luck calling turkeys in the fall. Everytime i go in the woods bow hunting for deer i bring my knight and hale diaphram call model 110 and if the deer action is slow i rip a few kee-kee run calls. Almost every fall i get tremendous responses from flocks of turkeys...HOWEVER trying to get a shot on a flock of birds out of a tree stand with a bow isnt always easy when they are looking for that lost polt. It makes for some good excitement though.

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before they get to you, get out of the stand let them get close and run into them.. then wait and then call em back a lot easier with a bow at that point because you will have individual bird coming in or at least small groups vs trying to fool an entire flocks eyes!!!

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