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the feed corn planting....

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You asked if I had pics around Oct...so this is the last time I'll be near there until the season opens took a few..its actually still under ripe and not started to dry ....about same as the farmers field not far from me...we planted the same week...but the deer are hitting it from all the droppings they've left and the ears are a good size...considering how many ppl keep telling me it wouldn't produce decent ears ;) ....showed this to a guy and he was very surprised then said look me up in the spring I have 2 tons to give away for turkey planting ...OK.!..he liked the fact I plant grain sorghum for the birds :D

Edited by growalot
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You asked if I had pics around Oct...so this is the last time I'll be near there until the season opens took a few..its actually still under ripe and not started to dry ....about same as the farmers field not far from me...we planted the same week...but the deer are hitting it from all the droppings they've left and the ears are a good size...considering how many ppl keep telling me it wouldn't produce decent ears ;) ....showed this to a guy and he was very surprised then said look me up in the spring I have 2 tons to give away for turkey planting ...OK.!..he liked the fact I plant grain sorghum for the birds :D

Growalot, what type of corn did you plant? When did you plant it? How did you prepare the soil before planting?

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A farmer friend told me that local raised corn won't grow, because of being dried down to 12% moisture, that kills the germ . The TS store gets their corn from the midwest where is doesn't need drying, thus it will grow. It's also a hybrid so, you take your chances. Grow proved how well it will do.

Edited by landtracdeerhunter
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local corn will grow..all corn is dried evenout west i have a friend who raises beef cattle in iowa and he grows his own corn....to 10-12 % moisture... dont belive it grab some whole kernals out of your bird food and do a germ test on them... Grows sounds like you found a guy that gets corn seed from the turkey fed or safari club...rr ready seed corn earmarked for wildlife plantings!

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The sorghum is new this year and I planted for birds wild and domestic...we have chickens....My seeding rate was...lets say a tad thicker than I really wanted in some areas....which did this....caused a good barrier to one side of the corn from damage...for the deer and raccoons dont travel through the sorghum.....I over seeded the soybeans with it ..too thick...but it grows so slow that the beans came up and grew........ one area the deer hit hard and another the rabbits and deer took out...well the sorghum grew and the bigger it got the less the critters hit the beans...so I have a lot of soybeans...short...with beans on them and still green..pic below...I read that deer wouldn't hit grain sorghum until it headed out and then they eat the soft new shoots...good protein...nope...never touched them...also told they would hit the dried seed heads....that remains to be seen

Now I tell you this knowing I will plant much more next year...for the deer here never hit my turnips....S.beans...or chicory hard the first year planted....now they flock to it...I'm also going to test growing Sun hemp next year...Now that I'm fencing one sid of our property I have another 3acres I can open up and plant...so I will be testing a few more things

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it was a $9.00 bag of feed corn from T/C farm and tractor.....Virgin soil that I weed killed...disced...disced...disced...limed...limed ..limed and put down just 100#'s of 15/15/15...Oh and 50#'s of Homistat in early June

What do you use to plant the corn? Do you use a mechanical device or plant my hand? Or some type of seeder.

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I have a 40lb push spreader and that is how I spread the seed and fertilizers and lime...

I over seed because I've learned that even after discing it in...it only takes a turkey to find one seed and they just kill a plot...to keep deer at bay I spread Milorganite and that gives the corn time to grow..plus fertilizes it.....all seed is spread by hand...clovers and small seed like that I have a hand held spreader...pic shows main section of corn when still small.... there are two others

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There are two different types of sorghum ...the grain and the forage sorghum...grain is not sweet and the deer seem to avoid it .....the forage sorghum they will hit due to the starch sugar conversion but you could risk prussic poisoning ....although grain sorghum contains high prussic levels it is less desirable to deer until fully mature....at which stage the prussic levels are usually significantly less

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