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one eye or two?


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let me begin by saying hi to all my fellow hunters.also wish everyone a safe and tag filled hunting season this coming fall. my question has to deal with bowhunting.a few years back while target praticeing i would group fine but every so often i would have this uncontrolable jerk that would send my arrow haywire.after chatting with a couple other ppls on this one man suggested shooting with both eyes open. it cured my problem while increaseing my accuracery.while my master eye was on the pin the other eye viewed a wider target also allowed me to see my arrow in flight better.so thier stands my question do you shoot with one eye open or both?

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Now this sound stupid but with the traditional recurve bow I have both eye open. But with the compound and I use a kisser and a 1/4 inch tru peep in the string I draw with both eye open and as I put my head down to use the peep I do close one eye. Just like I do with a rifle scope. If you can keep both eyes open they say you will have a better overall sight for distance etc. Your problem withthe jerk I do not think was part of the eyes, that seem to be more in line with target panic.

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Yeah, I'm an old one-eye squinter. And I too have that occasional super-flinch. Maybe I'll try your fix. It is a gosh awful mental disease that can really disrupt a good shooting session. It doesn't happen very often, and never happens when I am shooting at a deer. But man, it can be a nightmare on target shooting. The fix that I have always heard is to stand close to the butt (so you can't miss), close both eyes and practice shooting. It never worked for me, but that's what the coaches all recommend for target panic. My problem is that I never know when it's cured because it is not a regular thing. It always comes back when I least expect it. I'll try shooting with both eyes open just to see what it's like. Maybe that's the kind of thing that will change the "sight picture/mental reaction".


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ok. im a lefty, my story is.....

i shoot my rifle lefthanded with one eye open

now here is the kicker

i shoot a righthanded bow, and also one eye open

with the rifle i use my left eye and bow i use my right.

sounds crazy

i tryed a lefthanded bow and could not shoot it

and cant shoot a rifle righthanded.

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I'm lft handed as well and shoot my guns left...both eyes open...

For years I've hunted with a right handed bow and both eyes are open ...but...I shoot fingers and instinctive...I tried and tried but could never use a sight or peep that is...

Until this year and I won a Peep Eliminator sight for ppl like me ...then bought a truglow front sight...wow It's just like using a rifle site ...amazing really....seriously can't wait until bow season and I'm hoping for a nice bow turkey to start out with..if I can find the time...it will be a wood chuck first ;)

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When I returned to compounds late last summer I tried both ways but found the sight picture a bit "busy" with both eyes open.I shot ok out to 30yds but beyond that accuracy fell off so I stuck with using one eye for the season.When I got going again early this spring I began shooting exclusively with both eyes open.It took a while but I've gotten accustomed to it now and feel it's the better way though like shooting bare bow it does require more time/effort.

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