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Geno C

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I had to work today but one of my buddies was out and saw a nice 8 pointer around 12:45 PM. He was just out of range of course. I haven't heard back from him to see how the rest of the day went. I'm sure if he had something down I would have heard. I'll be out tomorrow and Monday giving it hell. Gonna be cold but can't shoot em from the couch.

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Sorry to hear. I guess it happens sometimes. As for me ive been at it every free day since Oct 1st and i think its time to take a break this upcoming weekend. I need to spend some time with the girlfirend before i end up single lol. Im off from work in between Christmas and New years so i will get back out for a couple of days then. Good Luck to everybody still out there.


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Gee fellas, sorry to hear your woes.

Meatmuzzy, you probably just grazed him.

LIWaterman. had to take off a couple of weekends to spend with the wife, so she didn't need to hunt me.

Hope you guys keep trudging along. Keep your other halves happy and it will work itself out.

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Yea im starting to think ill be out sat morning before she wakes up loll. At least when im off for the week in between christmas and new years she will be at work so i know ill be out then. I always see a lot of action the last week and last year i saw one of the biggest bucks of my life bredding a doe just out of range. I always look forward to the last week of bow on the island.


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I got a doe friday afternoon, went about 20-30 yrds and dropped. She came in with a spike. I was out of my tree and started to dress the doe, and the spiker was walking circles around me about 40 yrds away. Damn thing wouldn't leave. Hopefully, I can get to my other spot and get a shot at one of the bucks there. Most of the deer in my spot only move when its really dark out.

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well i christened the new bow this weekend with a Doe. Figured id punch a tag after what feels like a long season of passing on alot of bucks. didnt want to end the season empty so i figured why not take a Doe. 20 yard shot quartering away, the rage ate the ribs up in and busted the shoulder out complete pass through. That MR5 and those rages were a leathal combo she went 40 yards from the shot in a hurry but couldnt hold it, ended in seconds... Atleast i have some meat now, im happy. Goodluck to all whos still at it.

Edited by Geno C
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well i christened the new bow this weekend with a Doe. Figured id punch a tag after what feels like a long season of passing on alot of bucks. didnt want to end the season empty so i figured why not take a Doe. 20 yard shot quartering away, the rage ate the ribs up in and busted the shoulder out complete pass through. That MR5 and those rages were a leathal combo she went 40 yards from the shot in a hurry but couldnt hold it, ended in seconds... Atleast i have some meat now, im happy. Goodluck to all whos still at it.

Congratulations Geno!...It's always nice when it all comes together. Good eats!!

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thanks guys! yeah putting away some meat was the plan. To all who still intends on going out, i have noticed quite a few Doe just are not quite in yet as far as estrous is concerned. Atleast where i am... Seems like there will deff be some late stragglers which can push out some good rutting activity to the near end of the season. The glands on my doe and the others she was with were snow white. Its usually a tall tell sign that a doe is not quite in heat yet. When they are dark its a different story. My doe was not fully mature she was a medium doe and i was surprised to see them still white. the more mature doe in my area were dark weeks ago. the past week the big boys have been coming out :)

goodluck guys!

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Congrats Geno. Hopefully I'll get some action Sunday and Monday coming up. I did a little scouting this past weekend and found an area full of rubs. I lost count after 20....some were old, some from earlier in the season but i found at least 7-8 that looked real fresh. My buddy set up his cam on Sunday and had pics of at least 5 nice does and a fawn in less than 24hrs. so I'm hoping they go into late estrus and pull one of the boys in. If one of the nice does come by close enough I'm gonna try for some meat for the freezer. Even though this has been a real slow year for me personally I have really enjoyed having my son out for his first season. He has really liked being in the woods and he even missed shots twice this year on does but it hasn't affected his enthusiasm. The memories of being out there with family and friends is what it's all about. Continued good luck to all for the rest of the season.

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