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4 pointer wont leave them alone..


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I want to hear some opinions on what I have been seeing......I have a resident doe with two fawns and always trailing behind is this 4 pointer I have seen him chase the doe and fawns on two occassions and they want nothing to do with him and run off and he proceeds to follow them everywhere they go.....My question is do you think this is an unrelated buck and the doe is not receptive yet or do you think this buck is the does offspring from last year?

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hes waiting for her to come into heat, shes not quite in and hes sticking around until shes ready. i have a 12 point doing the same thing right now... look at her glands in the back if they are snow white shes not quite in yet, if they are on the darker side chances are shes in or close to it.

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Yep, that would be my guess also. Maybe you'll get lucky and when she really starts stinkin up the place, she'll drag in a couple more older bucks that know she's not ready yet. Try to keep her from catching on to you and hang on just a little longer. things may get even better. Or if the 4 is fine with you then let him have it.

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Yep, that would be my guess also. Maybe you'll get lucky and when she really starts stinkin up the place, she'll drag in a couple more older bucks that know she's not ready yet. Try to keep her from catching on to you and hang on just a little longer. things may get even better. Or if the 4 is fine with you then let him have it.

She is a smart Ole girl, winded me once. However I did see her that evening. The 4 pointer was in range before but opted to pass, I'm also hoping that she will draw in some of the bigger boys I have on camera.

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Had this happen last year. Small buck pushing around a mother and fawn. One morning here they come and he's chasing them. They pass and not 10 minutes later

big daddy is trailing their scent. I missed him and he was a biggen. Keep your guard up when you see them, you never know.

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