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Is it too late?

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Anyone that thinks the current batch of contenders will make the cuts we really need to is fooling themselves. The only one still looking to run that has the balls to do what we need to economically, is Ron Paul, and no matter how much Id like to see him win, I know the chances are slim. If only he would let some of the off the wall ideas he has go, and run strictly on his economic policies, he might have a chance. Romney is going to be a spender, kinda like Bush was, and unfortunately, hes the most likely candidate. Granted, he probably wont spend like the current administration, but I dont think he will make the changes that could really turn things around.

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And then there is the situation with the other branches of government that has to be dealt with if that once in a lifetime mythical candidate were to run and actually win. Politicians derive their power from spending, and darn few of them will ever go along with extreme cuts. We the constituents are the ones who promote this kind of financial suicide, and the politicians knowing votes are on the line, respond in exactly the way you would expect. There is very little that a president can do all by himself.

And also, let's understand that financial spending responsibility is only one facet of our economic woes. Probably the biggest issue that threatens our economy is the fact that we don't make anything anymore. Yeah, we have some great insurance companies, and pizza joints, but the backbone of the American economy has always been production. We can talk about how brainy we are and how we can come up with all this creativity and innovation and support ourselves with higher class occupations, but while nobody has been watching, we have exported those too. I remember back back about 20 years ago, I was requested by my boss to go over to Taiwan and hand over our technology and processes to engineers of that foriegn branch. The request was to make them a highly specialized engineering staff capable of doing MY job. I refused, but they found another goat to do the job. I also know that others were requested to do the same from other areas of the company. All I saw after that was cancelled projects and some minor support for products designed and engineered overseas. I know we were not the only company to export these kinds of jobs. So now we are in the state that could have been predicted by anyone who was paying attention. I have said for many decades that if we have to compete with third world countries, we are going to have to live like the people of those third world companies. In spite of what we like to think, we really are not that much smarter than those guys ..... lol. Building the infr-structure, education and technical know-how of foriegn subsidiaries simply built the road to economic doom for the American worker and his family.

So as I said..... we don't make anything anymore and I have yet to hear one politician address this export of technology and jobs. Nobody has any ideas on how to reverse some of that? They don't even want to talk about it. Our economy will never jump back in control until one of these brainiacs shows a little interest in such an obvious deficiency in our ability to create and manufacture. We cannot all be Silicon Valley moguls and bank CEOs. We've got a huge gob of workers who have watched high paying jobs slide overseas.

So where is this mental marvel going to come from to pilot this country? Who do we have that can work the miracles required to bring jobs back to the U.S.? Well, it sure isn't Obama, and I sincerely doubt that any of the other candidates are capable of such a feat either. So yes, once again we are going to have to hold our nose and cast a ballot. But anyway you look at it, there isn't a president today or in the future who has the backbone, forsight, and intelligence to reverse the foriegn stranglehold on our economy. It just might turn out that the NYS lottery is your only chance at survival .....lol.

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Actually Doc.. Rick Santorum.. has a plan for bringing manufacturing back to the US... go to his website.. I believe it is there.. he spoke of it at at the last few GOP debates... He isn't my guy, but he's a close 2nd... and he has some good ideas about what you were talking about.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Please stop the idea that a "Balanced Budget" will fix anything. Spending needs to come down. If spending doesn't come down you can still balance a budget, BY RAISING TAXES TO BALANCE IT!!

That's what happens everywhere a state has adopted the "Balancd Budget" rule. It is purely Orwellian political double speak. It's the out of control, unconstituional spending and resultant high taxes that are the problem.

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