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Father takes care of daughter's laptop


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Steve 863 & Grow, If he had done this with his daughter standing around or making her video tape him shooting the laptop then I would agree that it could be looked upon as abuse and CPS should be knocking on their door.

But I don't see any difference here than someone shooting a firearm at a "target" like we all do when we sight in our rifles/shotguns etc pre-season be it at a shooting range or on someone's own property (provided of course that you are in compliance with all regs on discharging a firearm), and posting it on youtube or some other social networking site.

The laptop was the "target". His daughter was NOT the target nor was there a picture of her on the laptop as a target.

Would I do what he did?? Of course not! But all he was doing was making a point to his bitc*y daughter and try to teach her some sense of respect. Sometimes it takes drastic measures like these to get a point across.

I remember the days when I was young and all my father had to do was give me a look. My brother and I were never beat, hit or threatened. All it took was his look that commanded respect. When I got the look, I knew right there that I better high tail it to my room.

It is no longer easy to get the respect we as parents deserve with today's kids because of what society and the media has burned in their heads. Parents are afraid of disciplining their kids for fear of prosecution. Then there are those parents who don't even give a rats a$$ about what their kids do with their lives.

Edited by Deerthug
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Come on steve, youre acting like he pulled it out in a fit of rage, in front of her and started blasting away. Thats not the case at all. He did not menace in any way with it.

He didn't need to do it in front of her. Videotaping and posting it on the internet for her and the rest of the world to see is probably even worse. May not be "rage", but it honestly don't have to be. My son sometimes doesn't want to pick up his toys, so then if I took them out somewhere and shot them full of holes, people shouldn't think I am a looney bird?? Come on now.

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. But I don't see any difference here than someone shooting a firearm at a "target" like we all do when we sight in our rifles/shotguns etc pre-season be it at a shooting range or on someone's own property (provided of course that you are in compliance with all regs on discharging a firearm), and posting it on youtube or some other social networking site. The laptop was the "target". His daughter was NOT the target nor was there a picture of her on the laptop as a target. Would I do what he did?? Of course not! All he was doing was making a point to his bitc*y daughter and try to teach her some sense of respect.

Yes but we don't sit in a chair and give a speach about the person who may own the target before we go and shoot the target..this guy appears to be a bit of a ding dong...just saying

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He didn't need to do it in front of her. Videotaping and posting it on the internet for her and the rest of the world to see is probably even worse. May not be "rage", but it honestly don't have to be. My son sometimes doesn't want to pick up his toys, so then if I took them out somewhere and shot them full of holes, people shouldn't think I am a looney bird?? Come on now.

Depends on the circumstances. The difference between a young child and a 15 year old is a big one.

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. My son sometimes doesn't want to pick up his toys, so then if I took them out somewhere and shot them full of holes, people shouldn't think I am a looney bird?? Come on now.

I am going to start trying this parenting method asap by the way, any time I get upset I am going to grab something and go blast it until I get my point acrossed.

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Steve 863 & Grow, If he had done this with his daughter standing around or making her video tape him shooting the laptop then I would agree that it could be looked upon as abuse and CPS should be knocking on their door.

He didn't have to do it in front of her. Videotaping himself and then explaining why he was shooting up the laptop and then posting it on the internet is pretty much the same thing.

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I am going to start trying this parenting method asap by the way, any time I get upset I am going to grab something and go blast it until I get my point acrossed.

Or when our boss sends us an email on what they want us to do next, we can just pull out our snubnose pistols and fire away at the computer on our desk? Actually, this might serve a double purpose. Wouldn't have to argue with the knuckleheads on this site anymore if I murdered the computer. LOL

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Yes but we don't sit in a chair and give a speach about the person who may own the target before we go and shoot the target..this guy appears to be a bit of a ding dong...just saying

True . . . Posting it on the internet may have been going a little too far. Maybe he could have handled it a bit differently. I know what if he did what he did privately and left the laptop in his daughter's room where she can find it and tell her a little white lie that he was fixing it when suddenly the laptop jumped up and attacked him and he had no choice but to defend himself?? ;) Justifiable Homicide of a laptop perhaps??

Edited by Deerthug
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Any complaints filed have to be investigated, what the out come of the investigation is, is what determines if someone gets in trouble or not.

and that is what I was saying....anyone of her friends could call and he'd be getting a knock on the door...and yes an officer ..sheriff told me personally they have to issue an appearance ticket if the child was witness to a VERBAL fight in the home if it was reported...when one of my teens wanted to raise hell with our lives...I called social services and demanded a mediation section between all of us....it was the first time one of those happened with out a court order...I told them that was what I was trying to avoid....it actually worked and now I have a kid that EVERY body thinks is a fine young man.....

This guy is a boarder line wack job...and he destroyed her personal; property...which she could actually go after him for...he stated several times that the computer was hers...updates were for her school work...

there isn't a parent in the world that doesn't want to pound their kid at least once in their teen lifes...but what he did was..."teach her a lesson" about posting negative personal home life stuff on Facebook by.....wait...wait....yep posting something worse on Facebook!...Wow great lesson there

Kids should be made accountable...no doubt...but there is a right and a wrong way...and wrong is starting out in anger mode from the gate....If you can't act with more intelligence or maturity than the child your dealing with you lost the battle before it started

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Kids should be made accountable...no doubt...but there is a right and a wrong way...and wrong is starting out in anger mode from the gate....If you can't act with more intelligence or maturity than the child your dealing with you lost the battle before it started


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You look at a spoiled brat teen like that talk about the "cleaning lady" and how outrangeous it is for her to have to clean up after herself and then it wouldn't surprise me that years later she's complaining about how the foreign immigrants are taking all the jobs. The very jobs that she feels is beneath her.

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