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Update on fatal shooting Of Sheridan NY Fire Chief


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Deleted because I was responding to a post on page 3 thinking it was the last entered. My bad, looks like you guys are handing Bubba his ass on this.

yeah sure they are. Just like a little group if high school boys on their gang. Big and tough all together. Another candidate for the idiot group.

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I was thinking last evening it is sad that the only objective to a thread is to "kick a members ass." So foolish to be so biased that the only way you think you get your point across is to attack others. I have made my point several times and some of the brain trust have also helped me to do so.(Burt) This is not the first time that the little clique has attempted this. So I have decided I will not post again about BO. There is no sense. So consider my ass kicked ok boys and I mean boys. You win. All I can say is I am so glad I live in a part of the state where logic and common sense and respect for other hunters still prevails and I do not have to dress like a pumpkin to go out in the woods and enjoy myself. The point still stands that if BO is mandatory incidents like this one will become more prevalent and there will be more blaming the dead or wounded guy. BTW I do wear a either a hat or toque (knit cap for the brain trust) that is orange when I hunt. I never have said I do not wear it, I have said I am against it being mandatory. and I do not find it makes me a safer hunter. But I was a very safe one to start with. And another point, I teach for the state. I have done so for over 25 years. No student in any of my classes has shot someone or has been shot. I think that says a lot for itself. I teach the curriculum as it is laid out and do a damn good job of it. So your feeling the need to point out I teach and that how horrible of a job I do, well your opinions are based on what comments I make on a forum with my own opinions? Seems pretty weak to me. I again invite any of the brain trust to come to my next class starting 4/14 and feel free to sit in and critique me. I am always open to new suggestions that may make it better. But the powers to be in the state have not found and concerns in my classes, so I doubt you will either. I also invite you to visit the DEC website and become an instructor so you can right all the wrongs. I will even let you do the mandates in my class and I can get you certified if you do a good job. I am so sorry I am spoiling your high school fun, but it isn't worth the effort to try to explain logic to some people. This situation in this thread is a tragic one, and the one part that no one wants to discuss is the human factor. In my opinion the father should not have had a gun in his hands if his health is so bad. But to blame an article of clothing is just plain ridiculous. This guy was not hidden in trees in camo, he was in the middle of am open area. I guess if I was forced to hunt in an area where if I was standing or kneeling down in an open area and was gonna get shot, I would quit hunting and stay home. I am so glad I do not have to worry about this.

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So , once again I ask , if Blaze Orange was made "mandatory" for hunters , what about anyone else walking / riding on properties that are hunted ? Would walkers , joggers , dog walkers , bike riders , etc be required to wear the blaze orange ? They would be just as easily to be shot at as a hunter . Where would the line be drawn ?

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So , once again I ask , if Blaze Orange was made "mandatory" for hunters , what about anyone else walking / riding on properties that are hunted ? Would walkers , joggers , dog walkers , bike riders , etc be required to wear the blaze orange ? They would be just as easily to be shot at as a hunter . Where would the line be drawn ?

Since most states consider blaze orange laws to be hunting laws, I sincerely doubt that the law would be extended to the general public, and probably would simply be made a condition of participating in big game hunting. One would hope that they would use some level of practicality and common sense, coupled with the fact that it is likely that there never has been a hunting accident that has involved "walkers, dog walkers, bike riders, etc." being mistaken for game. The reality of it is that these people have pretty well vacated the woods when the season opens. However, I have seen joggers running down the side of highways that are fully clad in B/O when gun season opens. And while that is a bit overboard, credit them with having more native intelligence than a lot of hunters who should know better but don't, and play Russian Roulette during the deer seasons with their camo suits.

By the way, don't imagine that NYS would be paving new ground with a blaze orange law. The great majority of states (40 of them) have some form of B/O law in place with no apparent negative results or any of the problems or difficulties that many are imagining.

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The great majority of states (40 of them) have some form of B/O law in place with no apparent negative results or any of the problems or difficulties that many are imagining.

And our safety record is equal to or better then most of them.

Also heard our rate of compliance is statistically about equal as well.

But we have done all this before. ;)

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And our safety record is equal to or better then most of them.

Also heard our rate of compliance is statistically about equal as well.

But we have done all this before. ;)

You know, I keep hearing all that, but have never had anyone ever offer a source of that data.

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