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.410 Adventures


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So, I'm technically not the WORST turkey hunter ever, but I'm probably close. A combination of a lack of good turkey ground, willingness to take off work time, etc. makes turkey hunting more of a hobby/relaxation effort vs. serious passion.

Last year was an anomaly as we had finally some decent turkey ground (property was subsequently sold, boo!) and I shot my largest bird with a fantastic morning that I will never forget relative to three hot birds of which two ended up in a huge fight in front of our blind. We were able to call the winner into range and he flopped over after some 12g Hevi blend. I had back surgery a few days later and was done for the remainder of season.

Fast forward to now and our turkey ground is back to "peripheral" ground...an occasional visit by turkey. With two back surgeries, I'm over the 12g thumper and am on the path for a .410 set-up.

I have a Stevens 301 with a Carlsons choke. I was lucky to stock up on Federal TSS in #9, not legal for NY, but to use to get this thing on paper and dialed in. I'm using a Sumtoy low profile mount and a Sig Sauer Romeo Zero. I bit the proverbial bullet and bought some $$$ Foxtrot ammo for legal NY loads.

Unfortunately I am awaiting the Stevens back from the factory due to a defect with the break action. Everything else should be here by end of week. 

Anyone else get into the .410 craze? Crazy expensive (besides the Stevens ironically) but I'll appreciate the lighter weight and kicking.

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1 minute ago, The_Real_TCIII said:

410s are nearer than sneakers. If they allow us to use the 9s I'd probably get one setup for turkey.

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I had 8s made up and bought five boxes just so I don't have to worry about it for 10 years with my luck, lol. Not that I support breaking the law, but I'm equating an 8 vs 9 being equivalent to someone using a three blade rage that doesn't retract or someone using an xbow with a few lbs too much or a few inches too little on width. You'd have to be messing up something else to probably get heat.

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I had 8s made up and bought five boxes just so I don't have to worry about it for 10 years with my luck, lol. Not that I support breaking the law, but I'm equating an 8 vs 9 being equivalent to someone using a three blade rage that doesn't retract or someone using an xbow with a few lbs too much or a few inches too little on width. You'd have to be messing up something else to probably get heat.

Agreed. It's 60mph in a 55

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The turkey I got two years ago was at like 7 yards.  Would've loved to take it with my judge w.410.  but that doesn't happen often enough to leave the 12 home and pass up those longer shots.  Wouldn't care if it's a shotgun at 12,16,20, .410 etc would all be the same to me. But with the judge that would be amazing. https://www.google.com/search?q=turkey+with+the+judge+410&oq=turkey+with+the+judge+410&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160j33i299l2.11253j0j7&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:6d7e1376,vid:a95qMxnx2ns,st:0

And I love the .410 AR. That seems like fun to shoot. 

Edited by Robhuntandfish
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I bought a 301 when they first came out for my daughter. I found it’s felt recoil to be worse than my 20ga’s at about the same weight. My daughter felt the same way when shooting then side by side.

It shot well with my tss handloads.

I sold it for more than I bought it for because demand was high on them.

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20 hours ago, WNY Bowhunter said:

You should break that in in MO next month. I know someone who might be able to guide you...lol 

We're trying to debate going out there for turkey or going this month to do legit shed hunting and scouting before green-up! We didn't see turkey there but there were turkey feathers on the ground!!!! LOL

Edit...I guess I completely forgot that I saw five gobblers on the firearms opener....so yes they are there! HA.

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