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Can TV get any worse??


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Oh and the Wheel and Jeopardy because I’m old , and therefore a requirement.

No truer words have ever been spoken.

In my household due where I seem to have no say about the TV we own every streaming service there is.  I'm amazed that I have thousands of things to watch.  That are all crap.

The kids love it how I point out the inaccuracies of their "Reality" TV.   And do you need to be a certified moron to watch any aspect of the Kardashians.  Even the news now lacks reality as they push a liberal agenda

More and more I find myself watching over the air TV.  In my opinion, June Cleaver was pretty hot and even wore high heels while cooking dinner.  While Batman was very cheesy, who could forget Julie Newmar in those skin tight outfits that left nothing to the imagination as Cat Woman? 

McHale's Navy, Outer Limits, My Mother the Car, Mr. Ed   Now there's TV I can get behind but kids get all confused when they see B&W on a color TV.


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