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2012 Shed Season

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This buck dissappeared from my buddy's farm in mid-October after being a regular visitor to my cameras since late June. I got trail cam pics of him in early January back on the farm after he was already shed. Two miles isn't really all that far but this two miles is mostly wooded/brush with a lot of cover in between to two locations. I was just pretty surprised to pick up his antler so far from home. He 'll be a 3 year old this year and should be a pretty nice one.

Good luck with your shedding.

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It looks like you are having a great season so far. It has been really tough down here on LI this season for me. Im not sure if people are getting to them before me or im just not looking in the right spots this year. Im going back out tomorrow to see if i can turn my luck around!!! Good luck to everybody looking.


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I went out today for a few hours with

My brother and we finally had some better luck. I found the first one about 40 minutes into the hike. It was a last years shed but still in great shape and a real nice one.




After that about - half hour later my brother found his first nice one of the season. It was a nice 4 point side



Then i came across a small 3 point side



That was it for the sheds for the day but i did find one dead 8 point. He was there since last spring because he still had some pieces of velvet on his rack. I didnt get a pic of the deer because it was all just bones but i did flget a pic of all the antlers together.


On the way out we also found another real nice buck with his antlers cut off. This deer must have been a giant because his bases were huge. The pic doesnt even do him justice.


It was a great day and ill be back out there tomorrow trying to add some more to the collection before the end of the season.


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Yea Geno. It was a good weekend for sure. Guess it makes up for all the bad weekends i have been having out there lol. Only a few more to go for me then im done. I usually quit around the last weekend of march and take a month off from hunting related stuff until Turkey season starts.


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I got off from work today and went back out with my brother. We waled 9 1/2 miles amd came up with three good antlers. I found the first one which was a nice 4 point.



He found the next one which was an old 4 point


And i finshed up the day with an old 4 point but still in good shape.



And here are all three find for the day


I hope to get back out on saturday and get a few more. But i only am gonna look until the end of march then im calling it quits until next year. Good luck to everybody Going out this week.


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I almost stepped on this monster while stopping to take a quick bathroom break yesterday. It's my new smallest shed to date. Makes #10 for the season.


My mission for the weekend is to find the other half to this guy's rack...


I may go looking for this beast's antlers too...


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Yea 9.5 was alot but it was successful so im not complaining. i got out again today and was able to get 3 more. First one i spotted when i stopped to pull a tick off my pants.



After that i found a nice 4 point about 40 min later.



Then on my way back to the car i found an old 4 point side



Here is a shot of them all together. It was a good day but i think one of my last for the season. I plan on going back out next sat but that will probably be it for me. Gotta spend some time with the girlfriend before turkey season :).



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  • 3 weeks later...

Ive been out a few more times over the past two weeks and was able to come up with a few more antlers.









Im pretty much done now for the year. I may get out one more time upstate to check an area i havent gotten to yet but im not expecting to find many more. Good luck to everybody still looking.


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Nice job, John!!!

I spent over 75 hours in the field from January-March and ended up with a meager 13 sheds (20 less than last year). While I am kinda dissapointed in my numbers, I did manage to find a few nice ones. Here are my last few for the season...

Here are #'s 11 & 12 an oldie set. You can see both in the photo:






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  • 2 weeks later...

Great finds WNY!!! It looks like my season is just about done. I will be looking during turkey season but my turkey hunting grounds dont hold many bucks so im not expceting to find anymore. Here are some pics of my finds this season.




Biggest of the year 63" 5 point side with broken g4.




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