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UV filter for cabin

left field

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6 minutes ago, left field said:

Do you have a brand recommendation? Size? I already have a particulate filter but I see that some of the units come with two pre filters (particulate and charcoal) before the UV. Not sure I have the room for all that in my utility closet.

Berkey is great for "off the grid" water filtration. But since you have electric/power, you can take a bottle of your water to a local water place and see how it tests and then see what they can offer from there for filtration

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40 minutes ago, Biz-R-OWorld said:

Berkey is great for "off the grid" water filtration. But since you have electric/power, you can take a bottle of your water to a local water place and see how it tests and then see what they can offer from there for filtration

I did a test at the county and it showed positive for total coliform. That could a number of things, but I figure it's time to rectify.

31 minutes ago, Crazed98Camaro said:

We have a Viqua (formerly Sterilight) S8Q UV filter, 8GPM. It was already installed on the house from the previous owner, as the well had failed the bacteria test. I have to replace the bulb every year at around $100 a pop. Seems like they have been bought out by Trojan though.

Thanks. Viqua comes up a bit and I'll check them out. Stupid question, but is 8GPM what the well produces or your usage/need? 

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23 hours ago, left field said:

Thanks. Viqua comes up a bit and I'll check them out. Stupid question, but is 8GPM what the well produces or your usage/need? 

From my understanding it's based on your usage. So depending on pipe size, PSI from the well, the amount of faucets or appliances you expect to be on at the same time, then you get the correct size GPM rating so you will get the correct UV dosage. That's just my rudimentary understanding having not actually bought the system myself. Thinking about it now I bet our farm faucet puts out faster than 8 GPM, which would mean we should probably have a higher GPM rated UV system. 

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1 hour ago, Biz-R-OWorld said:

How many women though?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

With women factored in , that 8gpm usage just went down the drain . I am very confident my daughter and her average of 60 min showers would drain that well dry in just a couple days ! LOL

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