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Where can you and can't you hunt?


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Ok I'm kind of embarrassed to ask this question as it undoubtedly makes me look like a noob.  I've only been hunting for a few years and in the past I've hunted on my cousin's property back in WNY so figuring out where I can and can't hunt was never a problem.  Well, I recently moved out the Albany and I realized I'm on my own and have no idea how to decipher the DEC's regulations on where to hunt. 

About the maps in the syllabus, can you hunt in any area that's DEC lands that are that light green color? If so how will i know where they are? Will they be posted in any way?

If you couldn't tell I'm absolutely clueless, any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated guys.

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Check out the DEC web-site for a place to start. You mentioned Albany so I am assuming you are living in DEC Region 4.

Start at: http://www.dec.ny.gov/about/611.htm That will give you an over-view of the DEC structure in Region 4, and by following a few links there, you will probably be able to find a phone number to talk to someone knowledgeable about hunting opportunities near to where you live.

Also, at http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/8286.html  you will find a crude kind of map that shows the Region 4 state Wildlife Management Areas.

Also, at http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/7801.html there is a little more detailed info on the state lands.

But your best bet is to talk to someone at region 4 headquarters and there is even a chance that they will have some literature that they can send to you if you request it.

I'm sure there are some members here that are from that area that will be chiming in with some helpful info too.

By the way, that's not really a question to be embarrassed about. I know that if I were uprooted and plopped into a new area, I would be at a loss as to where to go.


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Albany county has alot of land to hunt but there are people all over.  I am not saying you can't find nice deer though, they are here you just have to put your time in.  Where are u specifically hunting?  Albany is tricky because there is a huge area that is bow only but some of it is shotgun.  All of 4j is bow only the rest is shotgun.  You have partridge run I think that is 4h.  Saratoga county has some good state hunting and isn't that far is a drive.  If you have any questions pm me I have lived in the area my whole life so I will try to help you out any way possible.

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