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I have to agree with most here. They have stated that all jews should be wiped off the map. Would we allow a nieghbor to state on facebook (or public)that he wanted and will kill his nieghbor when he gets his gun, NO. We would definatly take care of him but to allow him to even apply for a permit would be illogical... He is not stable, just as another country or representitive of a country that wants to wipe out a entire race is not logical...

Plain and simple you don't allow known psychotic people or countries to own fire power...

Growing up in the 70s-80s we lived under nuclear threat from the Soviet Union thankfully we have both kept composure under extream stress... That is not possible with people who are unstable... If they get a nuke it will be bad, hopefully Israel does not attack them 1st yet they are under attack from them indirectly as we speak...

Religion of peace yea right they kill each other if not the same sec of religion...

I only pray we can get through this year in one piece... Yet I wonder how many muslims will do this...

Otherwise I think Ted is off his rocker yet his points are solid... He is a example of someone who needs some drugs lol... He is not crazy just out there... If he was a kid today he would be under heavy meds...

I see my Godchild and say ha how ya doing. "Im fine" he says really slow and I am like HMMMM wt heck is this kid on. RIDDLIN omg...Parents excuse, he is wild. GRRR im like wt heck he is 6 GRRR(Ready to Choke parent for stupidity)... OK thats how parents deal with kids today... Sorry im babbling... Ted is OK in my book...

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"If guns cause crime, all of mine are defective." -Ted Nugent

I have to give Ted credit, that is a good one. I never understand why the liberals get upset and say guns kill people. That is what they are designed to do. Yes, we also use them for hunting but that wasn't the original intention. Of course a gun is a tool just like a hammer. I can no more blame the gun, than I can blame the hammer when it is used to kill someone.

It is every Patriots responbility to own a black rifle. Should the day ever come to defend this nation a sharp wit and strong language won't be enough.

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I have to agree with most here. They have stated that all jews should be wiped off the map. Would we allow a nieghbor to state on facebook (or public)that he wanted and will kill his nieghbor when he gets his gun, NO. We would definatly take care of him but to allow him to even apply for a permit would be illogical... He is not stable, just as another country or representitive of a country that wants to wipe out a entire race is not logical...

Plain and simple you don't allow known psychotic people or countries to own fire power...

Religion of peace yea right they kill each other if not the same sec of religion...

I only pray we can get through this year in one piece... Yet I wonder how many muslims will do this...

Sorry im babbling... Ted is OK in my book...

You are not babbling and seem to know Islam quite well. Yes, they are an ideology (not theoology) built on murder and rape. They are pursuing the extermination of non-muslims across the planet and we are aiding them now. The current non-muslim cleansing is going on in Darfur now.

Educate yourselves further here. This is the documentary that Mayor Guilliani and Police Commisioner Ray Kelly spoke on.


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Virgil, you have asked many questions on this thread, but have made no statement about what you think. Why not tell us your opinion?

My opinion is that most issues are not 'black and white', and that fanatical anti-gun-control is as unreasonable as fanatical pro-gun-control. Reasonable minds should be able to meet in the middle. My reason for bringing up Iran as a comparison was to try to show that the argument that gun ownership does not imply criminal intent, while accurate, is not reason enough to allow anyone and everyone to own stockpiles of dangerous weapons. Many of you are clear in your belief that noone should be restricted from owning as many weapons of any type that they choose. But, you are quick to agree that Iran should be stopped from acquiring nuclear weapons. Of course, I agree that a nuclear Iran is a scary thing for the rest of the world. I just think it makes for an interesting comparison. How can we be pro-control in some cases, and anti-control in others. That sounds hypocritical to me. Yes, Iran has made crazy statements about Israel. But, there are many anti-government groups (and individuals on this site) who have made crazy statements. Should their 2nd ammendment rights be taken away?

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Virgil, you have asked many questions on this thread, but have made no statement about what you think. Why not tell us your opinion?

But, there are many anti-government groups (and individuals on this site) who have made crazy statements. Should their 2nd ammendment rights be taken away?

Simply put, the 1st Amendment was added to protect offensive speech. Not sure what you define as crazy speech. The 2nd Amendment was then added to guarantee the 1st Amendment.

Please don't forget that if you took the words spoken by the founders of this nation and said them in todays context, they would be labeled terrorists and jailed.

The 2nd Amendment does not limit the number of guns a citizen can own. Neither should it, because in times of crisis the militia (us citizens NOT the National Guard) may need to arm other citizens who failed to arm themselves.

In closing, an individual who poses a threat to himself and/or others should not have the right to own firearms. But that threat should be defined on an individual basis.

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Woofer said,

"In closing, an individual who poses a threat to himself and/or others should not have the right to own firearms. But that threat should be defined on an individual basis."

Exactly the post I was going to make to reply to Virgil. As long as someone is a good citizen, meaning never convicted of a felony or declared insane, his 2nd Amendment rights should not be infringed, at all.

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