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Corned BEEF


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I suspect that a corned beef brisket would turn out dry and tough if grilled..

Some meats, especially relatively tough cuts that have been cured, are best cooked under MOIST cooking conditions. I think corned beef is one of them.

Never tried grilling one..Just my opinion..

I have had corned beef that was ROASTED ( less liquid than simmered or braised) and in my opinion it was far inferior to the more moist cooking methods.

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My wife cooked an 11-pounder yesterday and three heads of cabbage. Going to Brooklyn today where her sister and s-in-law did another 11 or 12 pounds and 25-pounds of potatoes. All the Fenians are meeting today. 26+6=1

11 pounds? Holy Kielbasa!!

Biggest one I could find was 4 pounds, it appears to be around 4 oz now!!! We did a fine job on it, along with the cabbage, carrots & taters. Danny Wegman wins again.........................<grin>

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had corned goose once... it was terrific.. it is the only way I have ever liked goose..... not sure how the guy did it but I'm sure it's similar to making corned beef..

Joe....Was the corned goose a whole bird or was it boned/fileted ?

Sounds interesting.I have made corned venison many times in the past. I generally use an intact muscle group from the hindquarter, like a sirloin tip.

Possibly I could use the same process/recipe that I use for venison on the goose.

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