They had a fee to pay it was $75 and that is the end of the discussion. I am so sick and tired of hearing about people making stupid decisions that the rest of should have to pay for. It's terrible that they lost their home but at some point you have to be responsible for yourself. So what if they couldn't afford it? Find a way! Shovel driveways, pick produce, pump gas!! You do whatever it takes to be self sufficient. It was $75 - I am not going to make any sterotypical statements about what they spent their money on but I know that $75 is less than 2 tanks of gas, less than a few meals out, it's less than my cable bill. I dont think I am going to get hurt or sick but I pay for Long Term Disability insuarnce just in case I cant work for some reason. I dont expect some one to pay my way. I will get off my soap box now - but before I do I am also pissed off at all these "Occupiers". Bunch of whiney idiots with $150,000 in student loans with a degree in philosphy. Am I supposed to feel bad for some guy because he feels he is entitled to a BMW, a 4000 sq foot home, and a 2000 sq hunting lodge. My advice work hard - pay your bills, shut your mouth.