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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/12 in Posts

  1. In all seriousness, i personally feel like i have learned the most from the people on here that i dont always agree with and i find myself thinking about their points of view to see how it could improve both my hunting experiences and skills. It also seems like the people i've debated with hardest have turned out to be the ones i look forward to hearing from. Someone on here once said that they treat this site like your having a beer with a bunch of hunting guys. Throughout the night your going to debate some issues and toss some strong words about but at the end of the night ya'll say, "see ya tommarow?" That's helped me to keep thing from getting personal. By the way, I've learned something from almost everyone. Everyone but RifleSharpShot.. Nothing useful to me there. lol
    3 points
  2. The young man needs to be educated !
    2 points
  3. my wife hates cold too. That is why she moved to Florida,well that was part of the reason lol
    2 points
  4. You guys talking about the land by Stewart airport.I used to hunt there a lot when lived in Rockland.
    1 point
  5. my blind came with explicite instructions "Only to be used with broad heads" it tells you not to attemp shooting anything but broadheads with a cutting surface through them....and I am just asking here....why would anyone duct tape the end of their barrel and then fire it?
    1 point
  6. That sounds like 90% of the posts about mysterious monster bucks in the deer hunting section of the forum,lol.
    1 point
  7. well skillet if you could read, every time I post something unpopular some moron such as yourself has to remind me I am a hunter ed intructor and tell me what I should have for an opinion. However if you want a pissing match, feel free to piss away. I am sure my stream is bigger than yours. I hope I made your day to rant about someything if which you know nothing about. But that is nothing new for you. Now go have that nicotine fix you so need and maybe breakfast beer and settle in. After all addiction is a tough thing I understand.
    1 point
  8. I might be missing something here, but how did RSS spread false rumors? The way I read it he was asking if anyone else had seen the video or heard of this incident. Again, I might have missed something.
    1 point
  9. wow everyones up in arms. ive made a yardage mistake before searched for hours to no avail. it happens to everyone at some point in time. but hes young and will hopefully grow up and learn from his mistakes. me personally when i have lost a wounded deer buck or doe makes me sick to my stomach.
    1 point
  10. Well, the first thing to educate him of is this, if you mistake your 20 yard pin for your 10 yard pin ( who the heck has a 10 yard pin btw), you'll hit high, not low.
    1 point
  11. If it does become a problem bow hunting you can have some of us hunt your stands. That way you will know if anything is moving by them LOL. Hope it works out for ya.
    1 point
  12. I thuoght some of the old coots will enjoy this : " The Old Hunter" When I was just ayoung man and my body wasn't lame I could run the woods all day to hunt most every game. Deer and bird and hare I've sought I've savored every chase. Eager to make a well placed shot and did in many a case. The camp fare of heart and liver was not my biggest thrill But to be the first one back to brag about my skill. It seems as time goes flitting by, erosion takes its toll The canyons just get deeper and higher grows the knoll. I sense my running days are ending and my braggin' days near done. I've had to slow the pace a lot and pack a lighter gun. But, now I've leaned the secrets of the graceful hills and trees. It isn't what a man hunts or stalks as much as what he sees. I see flowers,birds and squirrels and there's many sounds to hear. All tend to help me realize why I,m really here. It's not just the kill that counts although the fare is great. But to commune with mother nature before it gets too late. So when my huntin' days are over and my campin' days must end, I'll pass along my bow and gun to a young and trusted friend. I hope he won't be offended when I include my sage advice. "Go slow ! Stop ! Look and Listen ! and you'll see it's pretty nice To find there is so much, much more in the woods to give a thrill Than just the rush back into camp to tell about your kill. So learn to take it easy just like I should have done. You'll hunt a whole lot longer and have a lot more fun" ! I found this in my fathers hunting things after he passed in April 1990, and have had it ever sense.
    1 point
  13. Been on ancestry again, traced the Sinclair side of the family back to the 1600's with help from a third cousin's family tree site. Anyway I am descended from James Sinclair, the third Earl of Murkle, Scotland. You may address me as Your Highness, the 42nd Earl of Murkle from now on. When I was 11, my father took me deer hunting or the first time. He could never get off for opening week because he worked as a dispatcher for an oil company, wrong carreer for a deer hunter. My brothers were tinsmiths so they got up every opening week and killed regularly, believe it or not, my father never shot a deer in 25 years! Thruth be told, you don't have a chance when 1) you work 6 days a week and night jobs off the books fixing burners and are so tired you fall asleep as soon as you sit down & 2) you have a string of 12 year-olds that tag along all the time. So when I was 11, he took me & my brother John who was 15 up Thanksgiving weekend 1964. The club was still two rooms and an outhouse so we made out as best we could with guys sleeping on the floor and all. As the new kid on the block the 1st generation all took good care of me. I got books to read and extra clothes and best of all they let me sleep in one of the 4 bunks. Breakfast was tough, some of teh guys went down to the Robin Hood but as New 17 wasn't built, they would line up 33 deep behind a stool at the counter. Forget getting a table. Hunting was cold and wet but I saw my first deer in season close up. I was sitting against a tree facing uphill with my brother Pat facing downhill. Bored to tears I'm studying the nuances of the tips of my boots. As I brought my eyes up. there were eight hoofs about 30 feet in front of me. I couldn't believe it, two does had snuck in on me, they were the best thing I'd ever seen. Someone pushed them and they were out of breath and steaming when they exhaled in the cold. I nudged Pat & he turned around slowly with binoculars and got the shock of his life! All he saw was deer face they were so close. That year we went to the Parksville Diner for dinner. A tin WWII surplus quanset hut fitted with a kitchen and tables. Across from the Mobil station, next to the ice cream stand and the foot-long hotdog place. Food was good as always, interesting reading taped to the walls. Trapping regulations, photographs and newspaper clippings from the 40's. '65 we went up and my brother John was now 16 and had taken a button buck opening week. So John was off on his own trying to fill his buck tag and me & the old man went to take a sit. Over by the old bridge that we would later use to frame the bathroom, we sat side by side under a pine tree and he slid the Winchester 94 onto my lap and said " make sure it has horns and kick me before you pull the trigger" and he was out like a light. On the drive to the club, passed Kings on Old 17, turn onto Beaverkill Road at Deckertown and you passed or had to stop at Bob Darbee's Sport Shop. Bob had the shop and his brother had Darbee's Fly Shop in Roscoe. The best hand tied trout flies on the east coast .Bob was an interesting guy, WWII or Korea vet who had been shot in the shoulder so, he used a 257 Roberts because of the light recoil. An avid reader, his house was a library, actually like a library with floor to ceiling books. The shop consisted of the bait shed out front and the main store in the back. If any of you were ever in the bait shed, on the wall above the counter was a rattlesnake skin mount that was about 6' long. One day we were in there and someone asked Bob if that snake was taken locally, Bob said yes and that there were plenty of rattlers around. Never one to be chatty, Bob only really spoke when spoken to. A real nice quite gentlemen but full of knowledge. Another time we were in and showing interest in the snake and Bob said Oh, take a look at these. He's got a box full of small and average sized snake skins. We all got the creeps. Bad enough we heard of one huge snake but now they must be everywhere. Sure I'd seen tons of snakes around the property but never a rattle snake. Finally, it comes out, the 800 pound gorilla in the room, it had to be asked...Bob, where do they get these snakes around here? And you could here a pin drop at the answer. Bob says: Well you know the rock and shale ledges on your property, well every spring we go up there and catch the snakes sunning on the rocks. WTF!!!!!! We sit on those ledges and hunt, we pick Princess Pine on those ledges for gardens!!! Its a freakin' snake den. Needless to say, I never went to the ledges in spring, never want to see a snake, would be happy to be ingnorant of the whole situation.............just like the rest of the members of the club ...........because we never told them! LMAO!!! Someone's gonna sh*t themselves in turkey season.
    1 point
  14. P.s. Robinson, don't hunt with those guys. They're gonna get you in trouble. BTW did someone hack your account at school or something?
    1 point
  15. lime needs soil to particle contact. putting it down now most will wash away... you need to be able to work it in...
    1 point
  16. Haha...I like this thread ya old fart. ... I say that with the upmost respect. I'm 47,lost my dad at 65yo on 08/08/08....he was my best hunting buddy. Miss him real bad I do.I miss helping him do things,miss picking his mind just for some info on how to fix my kitchen sink.Can't believe I did'nt time out yet...just trying to type this. You old timers mean the world to me. I mean that from the depths of my heart.You have all my respect. I miss helping my Grandpa putting his shirt and what not on, on opening morning,he had " The Burcitus" in the shoulders......and years later after he had passed,Dad had RA real bad.....the swollen joints were so bad it was all he could do just to pick a rifle up. But he went on as far as he could. You old timers just keep on doing what you can,never let a young buck tell you ya can't and keep on swingin! Love you guys.
    1 point
  17. How old are you. Not old enough to even be considered an Old Coot Prospect at 47 (I intend to answer this question in the same manner well into my 80's). Do you hunt as much today as you did when you were younger? No,,, got young kids to raise. Things could pick up soon, my son is only about a year out from 12. He seems to be interested in hunting and I swear I've only gently nudged him toward it. My daughter's only 5 but I think she may be interested as long as her gun is pink. Do you hunt every day? Who could before retirement? Though I do have a friend that comes close due to a lot of shift swapping. Do you walk in to your stand or do you ride in ?. I walk! And the hill I hunt is 500' higher than the valley floor. Two older fella's (they sorta came grandfathered to the deed) walked that hill well into their 70's. I figured if they could do it so could me and my buddies. Now I'm really glad that everyone must walk to hunt, just makes for a better experience. Wheeler's are only used to set stands and pull out deer. What season or seasons do you hunt when deer hunting ? Southern zone gun season. Use to do archery, likely will again someday. What other seasons do you hunt? Small game gun. My favorite part of small game is that, outside of turkey, no one's figured out what to measure up for score on the critters. And everyone's happy to bag something and toss it in the stew pot.
    1 point
  18. So if you are an old coot ,tell us about yourself. How old are you. I'm 65. Do you hunt as much today as you did when you were younger? No,,, my legs are close to having a 100,000 miles on them, and I don't know their shelf-life. So I take it kind of easy now. Do you hunt every day? Yes... for my glasses, teeth, hearing aids, etc. Oh wait- you probably mean in the woods! Not anymore - I'm one of those 'fair weather' dudes now. Do you walk in to your stand or do you ride in ?. I walk! And the mountain I hunt is 500' higher than the valley floor. What season or seasons do you hunt when deer hunting ? I LOVE Archery Hunting... gun season not so much What other seasons do you hunt? Summer - Swimsuit season at the lake! I hunt turkeys too.
    1 point
  19. Antler lots of people shop but don't buy. I think this will be the case.Dave
    1 point
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