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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/12 in Posts
Or as I said in the other thread "The descent of mankind" I'm late Baby Boom, late real Baby Boom, 1953. Now I think I saw baby boomers being from the early 0's. I remember when you tuned radios to stations and there was one phone, one car and one working parent in each household. Before jets and before color TV. When you got test patterns on TV at night. My father said it would happen. I attribute it to sports, technology and education. Sports used to be an after school activity that kept you bust out of the house so mom could cook dinner and keep you from getting fat. Now its required in school from pre-k to post graduate. High school sports are on cable TV. You go to college, dumb as a stump on sports scholarships. Technology, the great double-edged sword, gave us this media for us to network, improved efficiany, put us on the moon. It also took away every entry level clerical job, manufacturing job, allowed for faster travel and transmission of disease, and created a generation of fat ass kids who just want to sit in front of a screen, can't get off of texting and are generally anti-social. Families used to sit around a table for dinner and talk. The arts and music started as banging logs for a beat and making cave drawings and advanced to the masters of paint and sculpture as well as Mozart and the lot. Only to revert back to crucifixes in glasses of piss and rap. Everyone is entitled. Kids don't want to wait tables to start a living, they'd rather Occupy. They can't divide numbers without a computer. Hell, they can't work a cash register that isn't button programmed or picture programmed. I had a store clerk who didn't know what a dozen meant. But, they want their techno-toys and their designer clothes and every other piece of crap that they never earned a dime to pay for. I worked my first job at 13 and never stopped. The young guys I work with never read Shakespeare in 16 years of school. Humps can't find the USA on a world map. We are living in Bable, pre-tower collapse, and if you don't understand that analogy you're in trouble. Maybe its just localized here in the metropolis, hope so.1 point
Hello to all @ HuntingNY.com, My name is Lino and I have been Deer hunting in New York state for the past 15 years . I have hunted Deer in areas 9T ,4Z & 3P. I would like to share my experience hunting in the areas mentioned with others on HuntingNY.com, looking forward to participating in discussions with others in this love we have for hunting.1 point
1 point
That is all due to upbringing. My dad was a hard a**. I was mopping floors when I was 9 and started working for him when I was 12. My day was I reported to school. Came back and did my home work. Once done with home work, I reported to him and he had me perform various jobs. Then I went to bed. Weekends, I in the baseball field hitting line drives and snagging fly balls. During the winter, my dad got a snow blower. His name was Elmo. And if I didn't do any of this, I got my a** beated. The kind of beating other parents would call the cops on. But guess what. I love and respect my dad and I think I turned out all right. I really think the greatest downfall to this society is child services and the crack down on child abuse. Now, the most you can do is send your kids to their room...you know...where the playstation is at but who needs a playstation, they can do everything with their mobile phones now.1 point
I have two, a 14 yr old girl and a 20 yr old son. Both are for sale. <grin>1 point
my son is 28 months old his first word was dadda and second word was deer and didnt say momma for months and months later. lol my little girl is 14 months old her first word was dadda and second was also deer then bear once again the wife was a little disapointed momma didnt come until later on lol. this past hunting season when ever he would wake up and see i wasnt home and would say mom dads hunting and gonna shoot a deer. i love that stuff. when ever i have one of my guns out he always asks me to get his toy shot gun or revolver so he can shoot the mounts or pics on the wall. for his first birthday i bought him a life time sportsmen im gonna guess that will end up eing the best money i ever spent. people bust my balls all the time and say im nuts what if he doesnt hunt i just threw away $350 i just tell them wait and well see i sure like my odds that hell be into it. then the last thing my wifes already wanting to try for a 3rd child at the beginning of spring i dont mind putting in the work to make the 3rd child but i sure am done with the baby stages already lol.1 point
Rootin' for some more halftime "wardrobe malfunctions"......., my bad!! OMG - I take that back, it's Madonna performing!!!!!!!!!!!1 point
Hey Rifle Sharp Shot, are you kidding me, you say you dont spend all that much time on the internet, but yet your always on here having something to say, your nothing but a joke and i honestly dont know why everyone gets worried about ur posts cause ur nothing but a joke in which everyone should ignore,1 point
Shartshot has 5.7 something posts a day and 425 posts since Nov. As the kettle calls the pot black, lol.1 point
Looks like a Bigfoot attack(lol) I saw one just like it on a show on animal planet called finding bigfoot. These guys think everything that happens in the woods is done by Bigfoot. They crack me up.1 point
The good newz is if you had any deer last year you will still have deer but if you had no deer last year you will still have no deer. Winter cant kill whats not there. This winter is going to be a blessing for all the animals thats for sure. I think the turkeys will be the ones to thrive this winter.We have dozens of them pickin away in the cut bean fields everyday. They are lovin it!!!!!1 point
The Giants and the Jets are New Jersey teams ! Their stadium , where they play their home games , is in the MeadowLands of NJ .1 point
Even an up and coming sugar bush needs to be thinned and manicured even if it means cutting some of the maples out. We have an area on top of the hill that was once a cleared field (long before me) and has already gone through and past the brushy stage and is now filled in with maple saplings that are only a few yards apart. The result: none of the trees are really developing properly. I've been working in that area for decades thinning out the thing as I have time. Already, I can see vast improvement in the growth and shape of the trees in the worked over area, vs. the area that I haven't gotten to yet. Perhaps some day somebody will have a nice sugar operation here, maybe not, but at least the maples that are there will have been given a great chance to grow to their max potential for whatever use future owners of the land might want to use them for.1 point
No need to ban him.. just ignore him and don't respond to him... he'll go away when he doesn't get any attention... or as he would say... "know nead two ban him..just ugnor him and don't response to him, hill go away when he dosn't get any intension. Slappy!" LOL1 point
Larry, if you call someone out on spelling and grammar....Well, read your post LOL!1 point
Good luck Red I hope you get it!!! Sounds like a nice place and considering it was your 1st area for deer hunting I understand the sentimental value.1 point