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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/29/12 in Posts

  1. You obviously don't believe it enough to go sign a sworn statement at the dec police claiming what you heard. Maybe you should reconsider your "beliefs". What you call evidence is actually heresay. I have no dog in the fight, but your whining is getting annoying. I need more facts before I pass judgement on the guy. you may be right, but prove it.
    2 points
  2. Welcome to the forum. Good group of people here. Lots to learn from all.
    1 point
  3. Welcome Carlin. The Daks are one of the most beautiful places I have seem.
    1 point
  4. Doc do you really think everyone will be shooting at a house? heck that happens now with gun.hundreds of home shot every year right? if the property is that crowded i doubt they would be hunting there. go in a woods 50 yards an arrow will most likely not go thru the brush/trees without deflection. I feel the amout of bad people that will abuse this will far be outnumber by those that will benifit. its time the "good guys" stop being restrained by the legislation meant to regulate the few.. if you don't believe this you can turn in your guns cause they might be used in a crime....
    1 point
  5. See below...lol. I loved that saying
    1 point
  6. I agree Steve. You want a special gun season, then put it in the existing gun season time. The weather is not a factor the weekend before thanksgiving. Two days is plenty of time but I don't think a gimmick season will have an effect. Lower the hunting age and don't be lazy and take a kid hunting.
    1 point
  7. Normally, I would have an issue with the use of vulgarity and rudeness that is kind of the hallmark of Ted's personality. But in the case of Piers Morgan, I would be surprised if I could discuss gun issues without resorting to the same thing.....lol. Other than all that, nobody can honestly or realistically argue with his presentation of the facts and content of that interview. Argue about the debating style if you want, but the facts are irrefutable.
    1 point
  8. Dang, I was DYING to go look for those antlers too! Maybe next year,lol
    1 point
  9. I would agree with this. He backs up his talk with real stats and facts and takes no shit from some of the idiot interviewers and anti gun crowd. I have not researched the mans entire history or researched every word he has said. From what I have heard, seen and heard from others I have not heard or feel he is racist or a bad guy. Does he think most politicians are idiots yes so do I. Does he have an issue with the mass illegal immigrant problem yes so do I Does he heartily believe in the right to bear arms yes and so do I. And he suffers no fools and neither do I. He can really jam the guitar, though I am not a fan of his music that much. He does more for gun rights than most and I am pretty sure he still finacially supports hunting outings for disatvantaged Detroit youths and handicapped hunters.
    1 point
  10. I agree. Do away with a distance requirement and make it a directional requirement. kind of like hunting waterfowl.
    1 point
  11. Put any of those 'experts' out next to any of us, where we hunt (in the real world), they would do no better than we do. Can't stand hunting / fishing shows.
    1 point
  12. Anyone know how many people have been shot and or killed wearing atleast a blaze orange vest in the last ten yrs? Just wondering. I personally wont go in the woods without it, just like I wont drive a car without a seat belt. Its only common sense, Im not to worried about myself shooting someone else not wearing blaze orange. But I sure dont trust anyone else not to shoot me if im not wearing it. Whenever I take my jacket off to clean a deer out I always hang it on an overhanging branch next to me and then put it back on to clean out the deer. Stiil it gives me the willies sometimes and I look around alot to make sure no one is drawing down on me.
    1 point
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