the guy made a mistake, said he learned a vailuable lesson... the guy that taught him a lesson is still a thief and needs to be taught a lessen as well.... the idiot even left the handgun outside in a bag (with a knife) where any kid could have picked it up.. he also put the word gun on the bag so that someone passing by could tell what was in the bag without opening it... first guy stupid, second guy REALLY stupid!
I have hunted the Catskill region for a LONG time, and have yet to meet the honest hunter who sees numerous bucks while out hunting during a season year after year. Typically if you let one pass and it don't matter how big or small he is, it may be the last one you will see in the season. This still holds for even the regions that have had the AR's for a few years now. If this wasn't the case we'd be seeing way more of the AR supporters here posting pictures of some of these nice bucks they claim are walking around. All I see is a few game cam photos and hardly any photos with hunters posing behind these big dead bucks. LOL In my opinion a lot of hot air is being blown around on how much AR's have improved things.
Mossberg 100. I have one in .308 and it prints sub-moa with a nikon scope and my nosler 165 grain handloads. That or you can get a very nice deal on used winchester 70s, remington 700s and savage 110s. All great bolt rifles.
i've been burning wood for decades, i hate oil companies. i go thru about 4 cords per years and split by hand, i cut the trees from my property, don't need a gym membership, and love burning wood.