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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/25 in all areas

  1. There really is only one “foolproof” hunting scheme, that has always worked for me. The best thing about it, is that it works for fishing too. What is that…. : total dependence on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Not one single time, have I deployed that method, and not been successful. It’s written right there in the Good Book, that God populated the earth with fish, fowl and animals, for the primary purpose of feeding mankind, and that JC Himself has the final say of where all of those living things end up. Any other tricks and schemes are nothing but a bunch of horse crap. Keeping things right with Him is the only way to go. I’m slow roasting a little “rainbow stew” for dinner later tonight right now and boy does it smell good in the house: Merle Haggard would love that if he were still around. That’s a whitetail doe neck roast from my woods with taters, carrots, silver queen sweetcorn from my garden, powdered beef gravy mix, and genny black cherry vanilla kellerbier.
    2 points
  2. Snow blower. I bought mine several years ago and will not do without. I tell everybody that if I have to limit myself to one 3 pt attachment for the tractor, the snow blower wins. Plus there are no piles or banks that build up. I guess to each his own.
    2 points
  3. I could sure go for one of those BUC Ruben’s, but it looks like I’m going to have to settle for leftover crockpot roasted neck roast at home for lunch tomorrow in WNY instead. It sure does smell good right now. I turned it down to “keep warm”. Just got in from several hours of moving snow and firewood, so I worked up a pretty good appetite. The 2 pb&j sandwiches that I had for lunch just didn’t quite cut it. It’s a little early for supper, but I’m not sure how long I can wait before having at it. I’ll try holding off until 5:00.
    1 point
  4. My father in law had a big on the back of his 125 hp cabbed 2 wd tractor, back when he lived in WNY. He must not have cared for it too much because now that he’s moved up to the NW corner of the Adirondack park, and takes care of the snow removal for the roads and about 25 residences, around a little lake up there, he gets by with a big hydraulic adjustable v-plow on an open station 65 hp 4wd tractor. That plow mounts in place of the loader bucket on the loader frame and is controlled with the bucket control levers and maybe one additional remote cylinder. I think it’s about 9 ft wife when straight, and tilts to ether side or forward or backward facing V. I also gave him my old 3/4 ton 4wd Chevy pickup, which he fixed up and mounted a plow on. He used that the first 2 years up there, but has been using the open tractor more the last 3 or 4 years. He may be wishing for a blower and the cabbed tractor now, with all the snow the have been getting this year, but I haven’t heard. They are a little north of the usual Lake Ontario snow belt, so maybe it’s not been too bad, where they are. The first year up there, the drifting was always horrible across the road on the north end of the lake, which runs north-south. The next few years, I helped him put a snow fence across the beach on that end, which helped a lot but was also a lot of work (mostly for me driving the posts). The last few years, we have laid out a bunch of floating docks across that end, after pulling them out of the water in the fall, with his tractor. They work almost as well as the snow fence and no extra work required. How nice it is to not need to drive all those damn snow fence posts with the pile-driver when I’m up there on my annual October early ML huntcation. I also used a back blade on my 8n for the first few years at our house. I was a lot younger then and it didn’t bother my neck that much. It does a little more now but it’s a lot faster with the bigger blade on the back of my larger 4wd tractor. I do prefer plowing the lighter snows with the front blade on my old Farmall Cub. Too bad it, and that old Ford are both broken down right now. It’s a real challenge keeping those two brand of tractors running. Owning them certainly has given me appreciation for always having at least one John Deere available, for getting the real work done. I’ve never had too much trouble with the bucket loading up with snow on my John Deere 4120 loader tractor. It usually all shakes out pretty good when I dump it. I just finished moving two mountains of it from the ends of our driveways in fact. That bucket holds about 1/2 face cord of firewood, which I hauled up to the house from the woodshed after I finished moving the snow. There was hardly any snow stuck in there, after a couple hours spent moving it. It also works good for moving butcher waste back to my coyote/crow bait carcass pile:
    1 point
  5. But God helps those who help themselves, right? It doesn't hurt to ask for a little assistance, but I think he expects you to put in a lot effort too.
    1 point
  6. Years ago, I had a Ford 8N with a back-blade and with a 1000' driveway, and a wide area up by where the cars are parked, I would wind up with a hell of a stiff neck after plowing from trying to look behind to see where I was going. I have to ask about you guys that use a bucket. When you are dealing with wet heavy snow, don't you find the bucket loading up and packing with snow? Also there is no way to tilt the bucket to throw the snow off to the side. Isn't that true?
    1 point
  7. No your 110% spot on. I have a beast of a 7ft blower on a 75hp tractor and a 4ft on a smaller Deere 1025R. I clean up 30 acres of deer pens and laneways on Top of the driveway and around the barns. After 3 days of 30-40mph winds last week I had 4-5ft heavy blown In banks that the blower laughed at. I would love to see someone deal with my kind of snow with a bucket and back blade. Blower wins every time.
    1 point
  8. I am ready for the snow
    1 point
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