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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by ELMER J. FUDD

  1. It was piggybacked on a credit card reform bill that Obama wanted. From the Wall Street Journal : the change began in 2005. In May of that year, Mr. Romney declared a “Right to Bear Arms Day,” and the governor’s top aides began meeting almost monthly with the Gun Owners’ Action League. Mr. Romney also signed legislation cutting some red tape detested by gun owners in November 2005, and less than a year later he became a member of the National Rifle Association.
  2. This constant dissection, hurry up and wait nonsense is probably the biggest deterrent to a new hunter. I'd be sick of hunting by the time I read and understood the rules booklet if I was a new hunter.
  3. I'll be splitting 36'' rounds all day today for next year. I cut them spring 2011, split some last sept., and burned some last march. They were all good. (oak) Now I'm way ahead of the game. The rounds are still pretty wet inside, but the ones I split last weekend are already looking better. I guess it doesn't matter because i have plenty seasoned already.
  4. Good for you. I'll bet you're damn good father. Happy birthday to your daughter.
  5. Yes I'm reviving this thread. My go to weekend outfit is camo shorts (not realtree/mossy oak, the military style) and a black t-shirt that usually says something about jiu-jitsu or fighting. It's my way of politely telling people with staring problems that I'll rip their f^%$##%$ head off without even thinking about it. I also like to wear camo when I drive my porsche too. I'm just messin' with you guys. No porsche, but why conform to the norm. I feel like a poser if I wear UFC shirts, I haven't trained in 4 months. I have hunting shirts with funny sayings that are for pajamas and yardwork only. It's just not my thing, but camo says "I get s&%# done!" lol! I think breaking the stereotype is what we need to do as hunters.
  6. What's the saying? 24 hours a day? Got it.
  7. I'm number 10, you may all stop checking my profile now. LOL.
  8. I enjoyed those venatic trailers and the posted boys vids. Maybe I should start filming some of my mishaps would crack you guys up.
  9. Eddie, this is one of your funniest posts. Excellent delivery given the recent state of the forum. +1
  10. Pat Reeve was on last night talking about how hard it is to finance a show. Let alone produce one. He said the best way to get started is to get on a pro team. he mentioned how he shot a 200 incher and it didn't mean jack without the sponsors. If it wasn't for the gun shows and the atv shows I'd probably cancel the hunting channels.
  11. And people wonder why Bloomy hates guns. It's the only thing that keeps his money in check.
  12. Who were the first 12 members of the site? I know if you view someone's profile, in the address it says what number they are. I think I'm in there.
  13. No need to be anonymous. I have a pwobwem and evweebody knows it!
  14. I wondered if the 8 pointers were all the same deer. Look at the dates/times. I have no pics with more than one 8 pointer at a time. If you look at the g1's there is a difference between two of the bucks.
  15. Something about her eyebrows irks me. I don't like it when a chick looks like they got frustrated and pulled all their eyebrows out. (but hey, it beats a unibrow!)
  16. High road, high fence, same thing! Carfax / Carfox.
  17. And this guy looks young for that head gear.
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