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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by ELMER J. FUDD

  1. Nice try. I was seriously asking because you are in Dutchess County. Figured you might wanna have a cup of coffee or something and meet some of the members. If one of us met you, then maybe you'd get some respect around here instead of being treated like a troll. So let me know, I'm home now getting my gear descented and tick proof. i'll check back in. Shoot me a pm if you want.
  2. If these AR areas were so bad in the past, AND it was due to heavy hunting/take, it's likely that the heavy hunting has continued thus it's taking longer than expected for AR's to come to fruition. How's that for a run on sentence?
  3. Oh, and honestly, the 1.5yr / 30% thing was only because 30 was all that was left out of 100! My wild guess. lol.
  4. Would jetmec and Peter like to meet up today? Anyone else? I'm going to get some knick knacks at Dick's in the Pk galleria.
  5. Sorry Orion. Long week and i didn't have my coffee yet. I'd say Sam is right. Do you mean a good population for AR to work or what a population should be after AR is implemented?
  6. 4.5 + bucks - 15% 3.5 bucks - 20% 2.5 bucks - 35% 1.5 bucks - 30% Doe to Buck ratio - 2.5/1
  7. Lol. I should've just sent you all that in a private message.
  8. Bring back the days when the size of the deer is what mattered, not just the antlers. When I was a kid I only heard the quantity of points and that was it. No scores. http://www.mikehanback.com/blog/index.cfm/2011/3/4/maine-deer-hunting-200-to-270-bucks-dressed-weight
  9. You had asked mods to delete your post on another thread. Just making sure you knew you could change it rather than post again. I was also going to recommend sending Elmo a private message instead of putting your phone number online like that, but to each his own.
  10. Stan, fyi in the lower right corner of your post there is and "edit" button. (next to the multi quote) You have a limited amount of time after you post to change it.
  11. Is there a way we could see who "liked" what post we made? I miss the 1- feature too. Edit: I mean when my aura goes up I never know what post it was unless it's recent and I stumble on it.
  12. http://www.amazon.com/The-Asshole-Rule-Civilized-Workplace/dp/0446526568 Get this book and give it to your boss. Problem solved.
  13. It happens to me. I was too cheap and tuned my bow myself. You can mark it with white out or get the peep that has serving above, below, AND around the split part of the string. tighten up the serving as well.
  14. No, they are just "high". Yeah that kind of high.
  15. I think jetmec has been inhaling jet fumes.
  16. He can have my guns as long as I get my free phone! http://www.barstoolsports.com/chicago/super-page/this-chick-just-won-obama-the-election/
  17. I thought we were eating paint chips? oh wait... wrong thread!
  18. I signed in just to "Like" this. Carry on..
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