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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by ELMER J. FUDD

  1. Oddly enough it doesn't work so well at longer distances! You can also video and zoom in with it.
  2. It locates points and creates a 3D CAD file. I can shoot openings on a building, then get my window sizes. We've spoke with them and soon it will export a file directly to another program I operate. More crap in my head and weight on my shoulders lol.
  3. Sorry to go off topic, but I can't resist. Leica makes some great things. We picked up one of these not too long ago. http://www.leica-geosystems.com/en/Leica-3D-Disto_94606.htm
  4. No, just crying tax payers bitching about the cost of the robots.
  5. Thankfully I've never wounded a deer with the bow. My first ever hunt (gun) I shot a buck that went over the property line and I was not allowed to recover. It is likely that the shot was less than favorable. My 1 bow miss was a clean miss. I missed a big buck during my first gun season as an adult (by myself). That one was a clean miss. I learned from these mistakes and started passing deer. After seeing deer out of range, I bought a rifled barrel and scope for my Shotgun. The next shot I took after many passes, I missed clean due to brush at the front of the barrel that was not visible through the scope. Talk about a rookie mistake, I'd read about this happening. I should have took my smooth bore w/ irons that day for the thick stuff. Live and learn guys. Listen to the old timers and those that did it before you. I did with some things and obviously didn't with others.
  6. On Columbus Day weekend too...
  7. Just remember when calling, the deer are more likely to be looking for you rather than just wandering through the woods. You may compromise the element of surprise.
  8. I'm shipping my own job overseas just so I can get that imaginary tax break. lol.
  9. Romney owned that ish! Hey Barrack. That lead Romney now has, you built that!
  10. I voted yes. However I only do it if there are deer close by. I must have knocked and re-nocked 4 times Monday.
  11. They were having a poker party by me. They just never invite me. lol.
  12. Elmo, no failure here. The teacher is always silent during a test.
  13. Jumped 2 deer on the way in at 6am. @ 730 had a small doe or a button buck coming straight at me w/ a 6 pointer. They meandered left. As I cut them off, they busted me. Picked up some buck poop to see if it was still warm, That crap stinks! Found 3 rubs. The 6 point still had some velvet left, but only at the base. Damn, I just want a velvet buck!
  14. Woah! Game changer right there. Your profile said you were 54 until you changed it today.
  15. I think I know why he's so hyper.
  16. Peter, are you really 54 years old?
  17. Welcome. I hunt Partridge Run on occasion. This year I got a doe permit for 4H (finally). I signed and mailed it to my relative who let's me hunt his property there.
  18. Well, nobody showed up to Dick's. Found some good deals though.
  19. I'll be at Dick's at 3pm if anyone wants to stop by and say hello. Look for a guy in a hoodie at the front door with 2 kids. One looks like me, the other looks like, well... PETERBFLY. LOL!
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