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    Clifton Park
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. I was listening to a podcast this morning and they were talking about TSS. Very interesting and informative conversation. I hopped on gun broker to see what the pricing was like, people were asking anywhere from $50 to $90 a box, that’s $10 to $18 per round. SMH
  2. I’ve got a few of them black blobs floating around a cut corn field around the corner. Got my blood pumping for sure!
  3. Got my goose back from Ryan today! I’m EXTREMELY pleased with how it turned out! Can’t wait to get it on the wall. Ryans a great guy who does great work! Thanks again Ryan!
  4. Anyone try red squirrels? Way less timid and much more plentiful then grays where I hunt.
  5. I don’t know if they taste any different, but I’m going to say their diet vastly differs. Squirrels around here chew holes in trash cans and eat garbage. I have a picture somewhere I’d a squirrel on my garage roof eating a blueberry bagel. i would be curious about rabbits, they eat our strawberry’s and veggies.
  6. Distress call… https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08DXF4NVQ/ref=ox_sc_act_image_1?smid=A330ARAKE34KVU&psc=1
  7. I’ve never had squirrels come in on the call, but they’ll certainly bark or chatter back. Helps me pin point them a bit better.
  8. Nothing fancy…just a Primos 373 squirrel buster. I’ve tried clacking spent shotgun shells together with no luck. Haven’t tried grinding two quarters together yet.
  9. Grays just seem so much more sparse where I hunt. I always see 20 reds to 1 grey as I walk around the woods and transition in and out of pines. Unlike my back yard that seems to have 100 grays at all times. My squirrel call also works much better at home much to my neighbors displeasure…lol
  10. Awesome video, thanks for sharing! This post was also a great read, thanks to those who shared their experiences!
  11. I read the entire 1st page of the post, but couldn’t contain my excitement. DO IT!!! Take the red pill, open Pandora’s box, go down that rabbit hole! This was my 1st year goose and duck hunting. Made a lot of new hunting buddies (1 one with a chocolate lab) and I HAD A BLAST, no pun intended. I was very lucky to have some new friends teach me the ropes. I love bow hunting for deer and would never give it up, but the comradery, excitement and action of goose/duck hunting is on another level. You know this, but when your deer hunting your normally alone, quiet and as still as possible. Hunting geese/ducks is completely the opposite, your with friends, when it’s slow you shoot the shit, drink coffee…one guy smoked cigars. I didn’t have a single hunt this season where we came home with nothing. I agree with everyone else…Don’t eat Mergansers. To me Geese taste like tangy beef and duck is delicious. Here’s some Duck Marsala
  12. One step closer this morning. Heard gobbles, saw birds, couldnt the get them to commit:)
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