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SpacemanSpiff last won the day on July 25 2020

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About SpacemanSpiff

  • Birthday 09/21/1989

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  • Location
    Wayne county
  • Interests
    Smith and wesson revolvers, remington and Ithaca firearms of yesteryear. Anything whitetail related.

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  • Hunting Gun
    Too many to list.

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  1. Id get something bigger and a diesel. Old fords are serviceable but something like a 4400 will be more user friendly. Highly recommend something with rear hydraulic remotes, most tillage you will have to lift up and down.
  2. Me! Finally have a few hours i can spend in the woods, first sit of the year. I have a property I only hunted twice last year. Its my best bedding stand that sets up perfectly for a N wind. Cant wait to shake the cobwebs off.
  3. Total free for all now. Could be any one’s guess as to when and where bucks will show. I thinks thats half the fun anyways….
  4. Cool little round. Id like to have one in a Thompson contender
  5. They’re taunting me! Scrapes all over the orchards and no time to hunt. Hopefully next week!
  6. He is definitely not a youngster thats for sure. In the first picture he doesn’t have that big ol roman nose. Probably a nice 4 year old. Hard to say however.
  7. I was being facetious. Guess the lame rutting activity joke didnt land.
  8. Ill ask you this…does the summer heat stop you?
  9. Better start than last year. At least your seeing bucks.
  10. Got goose bumps reading that. Family is all we have….
  11. Exactly. When we gut deer during gun season there is always a loaded rifle within arms reach. You never know.
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