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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Frankly, I like seeing people talking about the campaign and not taking anything for granted. The worst thing is that everyone will assume that a big rabbit is going to be pulled out of the hat at the last minute. The big enemy now is apathy and believing in the tooth fairy. A little good old fashion panic can be a powerful motivator towards getting voters minds right and pushing their feet toward the polls.
  2. Quote: "What his reasons are, we don't know. But he has very strong feelings about law enforcement and seems to be very angry with a lot of things that go on in our society." Lol .... Seems like a mentality that I've heard before.
  3. I hate to hear of these things occurring with people so young, but like you said the procedure is now pretty darn routine. Yes you will be losing one season, but it will ensure many more afterward. Get it fixed and start out next year with a renewed determination.
  4. See, I told you my memory wasn't the best. I would have sworn that last year was the first year for the $10 application fee. How time flies when you're having fun.
  5. That could be. I know when I heard how screwed up the system was, I delayed going after my DMPs several days just to give them time to iron out some more difficulties.
  6. Hey!..... Wife claims to have actually seen an Astorino ad on TV a couple days ago. How about that! Is the campaign about to start? .... lol.
  7. Yeah, I could be remembering wrong....lol. It wouldn't be the first time, and it seems to happen a lot more as time goes on. But I would have sworn that last year when non-refundable charges for merely applying was started, there was a big controversy and it was a first in a bunch of years.
  8. Has anybody ever done a study on other carrion eaters such as skunks, possums, raccoons, coyotes, weasels and such? Just curious.
  9. So what is the latest in the hunter numbers? First I hear that hunting is on the rocks because there is a mass exodus of hunters. Then I hear that's all bunk, hunter numbers are actually going up. Anybody know what the latest studies are claiming?
  10. I believe that last year was the first year of charging for applications in recent years. I think I remember a bunch of years back when you had to send in a check with the permit application. But then we were talking some very different numbers of permits that they wanted to dump out there too.
  11. Doc

    Baiting for deer

    Ha-ha .... Would that be called a "Bait Plot"?
  12. What a tubby critter. He sure has been eating well.
  13. Doc

    Baiting for deer

    I think that it is impossible to pull every deer from neighboring properties simply by creating specialized food sources. Without high fences, deer do meander around for reasons other than food. But yes, it does always amaze me how these confrontations and cross-allegations seem to arise out of all these modern-day attempts at manipulating herds. Somehow, none of that nonsense feels like it has or should have anything to do with hunting. But like I said that is just personal feelings and opinion and is different for each hunter.
  14. So are we saying that we should form policy based on evidence that even the best science cannot define?
  15. Doc

    Baiting for deer

    Ha-ha.....I had no intention of taking on the whole food-plot contingent of this forum....lol. But I am simply trying to explain the personal doubts that I have about this whole concept of creating conditions better than your neighbor's strictly for the purpose of drawing his deer away from him and onto your own protected property. It is simply a mindset and motivation that just doesn't sit well with me. I am not starting a campaign to outlaw food plots ....lol. It is a personal reaction to the process and an explanation of why, even if I did have the space, time and money, I probably wouldn't personally get involved with it. I probably should explain a hunting mindset that I have grown up with that says that I hunt the deer (or whatever) exactly as I find them and do not condition them to accommodate my hunting. I view them as wild critters that I study and learn and then hunt without treating them in any way as livestock. That philosophy is not for everyone, but it is the way that I approach my hunting. By not getting into the business of conditioning my prey, I also extend that same potential to my neighbors without forcing them to take defensive moves to keep a huntable population on their properties. It is another one of those personal ethics things that we were just talking about in another thread ..... not for everybody, but a personal code that rattles around in my own brain.
  16. 37 years of testing, and only two confirmed cases from bullet fragments in the entire study, and that involving only one species. What other conclusion is one to draw? Birdshot is the overwhelming cause and remedial action has been taken for that. Bullet fragments show up as basically statistical noise. I repeat: "The chart does not make a very strong case against lead bullets".
  17. Is it really a coincidence that DMP applications fall at the same time that they start charging for that application? The fact that they are surprised is what I find shocking. The government has made an art out of diminishing certain public behaviors via taxation (cigarettes, booze, gas, etc.). So why be surprised that this kind of taxation of DMP applications is having the same result.
  18. Doc

    Ethics question

    It was a great question.
  19. Interesting and seemingly accurate analysis of the chart. The chart does not make a very strong case against lead bullets.
  20. Doc

    Baiting for deer

    Not sure of the relevance of your question. My own property is really quite small and barring letting people hunt in my yard, I already allow several hunters access to my property in accordance with practicality and safety, and privacy. I have to say that you would be very disappointed if you were to just hunt my land .... lol. So if your intent is to imply that I try to corral deer on my own property for hunting reasons, the answer is no I do not. However, yes you are absolutely welcome to hunt the very same state land that I and who knows how many others already hunt. The same deer that I hunt, you are also welcome to hunt. I do not try to hoard any of them nor can I.
  21. Doc

    Ethics question

    Good question. To me ethics as we normally use the word is a personal judgment within a personal code of right and wrong, not to be confused with legality or societal codes. I know that there are organizations (medical, legal, other professions, etc.) that establish a code of ethics to rule behavior of members of their group. That makes the word take on a different aspect for them and may not always agree with their own personal code of ethics. But for me, the word is more of the self-guidance end of the definition. That means that my definition allows for what is ethically correct for one may not to be necessarily ethically correct for another. It would be interesting to see how the dictionary version stacks up against my own version ..... lol.
  22. Doc

    Baiting for deer

    Of course there is no legal or criminal act, but if that is the intent, to intentionally draw deer off a neighboring hunter's property and if it is successful, it is the mindset that I am talking about, regardless of whether it is a cake walk or not. It could be that some people work very hard at screwing a neighbor.....lol. But then that's just the way I see it, and I would not really like to have it done to me. I guess we all see things differently when it comes to how we relate to each other. Fortunately, there is not much likelihood where I am, so it is not something that I have to worry about.
  23. Doc

    Ethics question

    I have to wonder exactly what you would do with the hide, head, and leftovers of the carcass. It would be pretty embarrassing if an ECO came knocking on the front door asking about the fresh ribcage that some neighborhood dog dragged out onto your driveway ..... lol.
  24. The store is in the same plaza as the movie theater along routes 5 & 20 just across the Canandaigua/Hopewell line. If you remember where the old Walmart was located, that is the building that they took over. They are a lot like Tractor supply with many of the same items. They also have outdoor products. They also have a good supply of hardware. Some lawn and snow-removal products, even a little bit of food. It looks like somebody wanted to have a store that sells everything. I wasn't completely in love with the prices. They were pretty standard prices with quite a few items running on the high side and some slightly lower than I've seen elsewhere. Those were just the few things that I am familiar with. They are not a bargain store, but probably the best place to go if you want something you can't find anywhere else. It's a real interesting place to walk around. They had no problem filling up that old Walmart store ...... It's huge!
  25. A bad day at camp is still better than a good day at work ..... lol. Did you get any good cam-pictures?
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