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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Dom

  1. Dom

    talked into

    I will be sitting/shooter
  2. Dom

    talked into

    I think so pushing from main/22 up over the mountain.
  3. Dom

    talked into

    Keeping my foot/leg warm has been the prob all season. shooting is no problem Got my CvaA loaded with 150 pyrodex left from last season. just loaded hasent been in my firearm that long
  4. Dom

    talked into

    Some of my family/hunting Buddies Has asked me to be a sitter/shooter for a big drive this Saturday having my buck tag and Muzzeloader I said why not.For myself my season was done but cant miss this optu
  5. I tihnk I would skin before it freezes.Congrats!
  6. I agree with a lot of posts However this Country/USA needs a complete shut down no money food no communications except with your nearest family/friends I Myself is tired of this BLACK/WHITE BULLSHIT IF WE DON'T COME TOGETHER AS 1 WE LOSSED.Close down this country and figure out who is who. I go to church every Sunday and I pray for all to be safe.We have become the harborists of terror search no more they live among us
  7. Dom


    Santa said he will be bringing me a home brewing kit.Not sure what else any Ideas as to making home brew?14 days is a long wait for a beer
  8. Some of you all have more knowledge but by the picture that was posted look's old to myself.If indeed this was a wild deer for this area it would be Huge/So far the largest/biggest/most points has been a 16 point taken nearby and that was 14 years ago that I know of
  9. May be fake story behind this deer but still a huge old deer.Not much different than watching these hunting shows/Look at the old timer Stan Potts/Bill Jordan And Will Premo and many others.Ok not a wild deer but still a nice HAT RACK
  10. Sounds like a good idea thanks
  11. I've got me a shoulder roast about 2lbs and trying/want to do something other than slowcooker Ideas?
  12. For a youth hunter/shooter I myself would start with a combo NewEngland Firearms has a great combo 22 410 and 20 guage and I think but not sure but you could purchase even a 223/243 that is adaptable same stock just different/changeable barrels.
  13. I would have to tell my youngerself to slow down and don't rush/wish I were older because now I would love to have them old day's back!I've no regrets to what I have done inlife just now I'm a little wiser and make better choices.
  14. I guess with the crap season that I myself has had just maybe the farm you manage sells venison?I was also putting my2cents out there that you may just have a bit more knowledge to the deer and their behavior.
  15. This is proof that big Buck's do exsist in this area.Only a 15 minute drive from my house congrats to the hunter
  16. FourSeasonWhitetails manages a deer farm/just wish he/she would post a product/pricelist for or by the pound.I'm in no way saying that they do not hunt outside the fence but lets be honest about it
  17. To myself not worth it.For some it is I'm not downing/knocking the ones that have them to me they are a waste unless used everyday.
  18. Not at all some folks are on the better side of the Dollar/income.
  19. If I put on cologne tat is an attractant if I take her to Dinner that is baiting?
  20. My first deer picture of myself and the deer was taken with a polaroid/instant camera-infact I still use my instamatic camera
  21. I have never really hunted them as my targeted game.I have shot/killed 2 in all my years hunting 1 while deer hunt and 1 while smallgame hunting first 1 was a full mount second traded for a fishing rod.What do you all do with them other than just kill them?I know they need to be culled but wondering why if not using atleast the fur
  22. TF you didn't mix the eggnog with hotsauce did Ya?Other than brandy I was going to ask what you thought went best with the nog
  23. I have Turkey and a Bear tag that I'll add to the soup
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