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heavuser last won the day on October 1 2022

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  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Not stopping till Feb 28th 3M here.
  2. I picked up a scorpyd as a backup bow and to use in NY, the Ravin will be used in NJ. My other rational for keeping the Ravin is I have no plans on staying in NY forever!
  3. I feel like most of this is experienced by people even today.
  4. Do you not hookup on the way up or down your stand? If not, then regardless of snow, you are needlessly risking your life.
  5. That's the other thing. I keep going back and forth on the half mount or the rug! I keep getting this nagging feeling that the rug doesn't look right to me but at the same time at least the entire bear was kept whole, he had a fat ass If I went the half mount I would still get the back half tanned, with the paws attached. My thought were to make a hat with the ass end and let the claws hang on the side like ear warmers ... lol
  6. I think the rug was like 290 a ft, I don't recall the exact number.
  7. Hey Guys, I want to get my black bear mounted as he is my first and he's also a pretty decent size for Stewart forest where I hunt. I've been tossing around the idea of a half mount or a rug. After seeing the rugs I'm not too sure if I want one anymore. I went to Truelife Taxidermy and they wanted 1900 for a half mount. The BCH7 shown below. I also asked for the skull, cleaned and bleached which was about 190 and I also wanted the lower half of the bear skin to be tanned with the back paws attached which added another 230. I know this taxidermist charges a premium as they do amazing work, but is this price far above normal for what I am getting?
  8. Stalked him using his tracks in the snow we got in 3M on Sunday. I tracked him for about 2 hours before I saw him. I was at 31yrds when he heard me, he turned around, stood up on both legs, right arm on a tree, left arm covering his heart. I shot him dead on in the heart, through his left arm. 452grain arrows, Sevr 2.0 broadhead. The arrow shattered the bone in his arm, shattered 2 ribs, and stopped in the heart, no passthrough even with 200ishlbs of KE. The bear ran 20yrds, let out a loud moan then expired.
  9. No, but I can tell you I pass up deer specifically because I butcher them myself now. I like being in the woods, even if I'm not shooting anything. Seeing them still gives me a rush.
  10. Update us, pics of it sliced would be awesome. I am very intrigued!!
  11. Prosciutto is super fatty, do you plan on eating it the same way you would with ham? You're not worried the fat is going to make the meat taste like crap? I have so many questions!
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