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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Deerthug

  1. Here you go. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TFG2U88K5Ks.
  2. And he had the nerve to tell the earlier guest to let him finish!
  3. Seems like Mr Moron isn't going to get the ratings he expected to get with Ted. Ted met him point for point and very civilly I might add.
  4. Piers should just go back to the UK.... He's a bogus piece of crap. I love it when his guests put him in his place.
  5. When Mr Moron has no answer he tries to stop his guests from speaking And they're saving the best for last!
  6. The Nuge is being interviewed by Erin Burnett at 7 and Piers Moron at 9. Oh my! I'm going to get me a six pack and chips for that one.
  7. Υιασου! Welcome to my fellow Greek! Great site, great people and great information.
  8. After shooting a few bows, I finally bought a no thrills 2009 PSE Deerhunter new online from Ye Olde Archery shop and a dozen aluminum arrows cut to size for $250. It came with a cheap drop away rest, and a garbage site. After a few months I bought a truglo 4 pin site, whisker biscuit rest and the misc accssories, switched to Carbon express arrows. 27.5" DL and 55# DW. Has served me well for last few years although I have not taken anything with it yet and I can't justify spending lots of $$$ on a 2013 bow yet.
  9. It's snowing down here. Josephmrtn I thought I told you to keep the snow up by you!! LOL So much for Punxsutawney Phil's prediction....
  10. No Shadow!!! Yeah! Early Spring = gobblers going to be strutting soon!!
  11. Happy birthday. Enjoy your day!
  12. I lived in Lansing MI in the late 80's. I lived a block away from what was named "crack alley." Every nite I was woken up by helicopters above our block and the next morning I would read or hear on the news of drug shootings and most if not all of the bad guys were from Detroit.
  13. What's even funnier is as I was playing back the video on my laptop, Milo heard himself barking and started running all over the house trying to find where the barking was coming from.
  14. So I give my dog a biscuit and he takes it into the living room and starts barking at it as if its going to bark back. Lol http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g382/jmasiakos/1445041D-2265-4ED0-AF61-3140C4A0AD87-39227-00001F8D762080AA_zps8815076c.mp4 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Former Mayor Koch - dead at 88. Remembered as one of the best Mayors for NYC as I was growing up in Queens. He had "Chutzpah"!! RIP Mr. Mayor
  16. This was in the article on the school shooting: "An off-duty armed resource officer who was at the school was able to grab the gun away from the suspect, who was taken into custody." And they say we shouldn't have armed guards at our schools . . . hmmmm.....
  17. They want us to cower and hide under our desks made of packed wood and overpower the active shooter with a pair of scissors while he/she is shooting at us with an AR - - - Really???? http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/shear_bravery_beats_guns_feds_d9BanDpupuVezePd6trYoM
  18. C&B Archery in Hicksville is a great place to shoot during the week. Weekends can get busy with parties and leagues.
  19. Oh my . . . How could I forget http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20130501T06&p0=179&msg=Spring+Turkey
  20. Here we go again . . . three wounded. Who wants to bet it's some disgruntled employee who was fired? http://news.yahoo.com/shooting-reported-phoenix-workplace-reports-four-shot-182718485.html
  21. You mean something like this . . . http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20131001T06&p0=179&msg=Opening+Day
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