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About Sudzy8

  • Birthday September 26

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Western NY

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Cattaraugus County
  • Hunting Gun
    Kimber Montana .308
  • Bow
    Mathews Halon 32

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I shoot an HHA and used the 20 and 40 set up method. It works great and was very easy to do.
  2. Using your numbers and a few guesses on others..131.
  3. Hunter Safety System makes a youth size that fits my 6 year old.
  4. 9k. First daylight picture of this guy. Standing in a scrape that he has been a regular visitor to.
  5. Shot this 7 pt tonight. He chased a doe across a cut corn field and I shot him at 80 yards.
  6. Clothes washed with no scent soap. Then 5-10 minutes in my scent crusher gear bag before every hunt. I was skeptical of the ozone stuff before this year. I love it though. I have had multiple deer directly down wind and none have scented me.
  7. Shot this Saturday evening. 150 yards with a .257 Weatherby.
  8. Scope for me. I grew up shooting woodchucks with a scoped .22. I'm terrible with open sights.
  9. I have always laughed about Daryls endless supply of bolts.
  10. I love Huntstand. Has been awesome with wind direction.
  11. The deer will just avoid that area altogether.
  12. If I could be greedy I would like snow on Friday the 14th. Then a 35 degree day with no wind on Saturday. That way their isn't snow falling and limiting visibility on opening day.
  13. Scents won't do much the first week of gun season. Those are pressured deer and pressured deer are not following scent drags. You should definitely be using it now.
  14. People spotlight to see what bucks are in an area just like people put trail cams out. Just because a buck is feeding in your field one night does not mean it couldnt be a mile away the next night. Poachers need to be prosecuted. Everyone that spotlights is not a poacher though.
  15. This morning was the second time this year that I was shut out. My dad and brother were both shut out as well. Hoping this evening is a little better. It's a little windy here with rain on the way.
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