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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. I like the way the tags are issued now . No problemo !
  2. Drove to my stand in Pittsford yesterday . Was all set by 6:35 and it was a bit cold . Left at 10:30 after seeing zilch . Walked over to one of my son's stands and checked it out . It's in an old apple orchard . Grabbed a cup of coffee in Mendon and something to eat . Stopped at my son's home in Honeoye Falls and dropped some stuff off for him . Headed to Geneseo for an afternoon hunt . Stopped at my SILs neighbor's house and talked to him . He hasn't been out as he has Fibromyalgia and is in a lot of pain . Parked my vehicle and put my hunting clothes back on . As I got about 100 yards from the Subi , I caught a glimpse of brown hauling butt in the thick stuff between when I was and the pasture lot . If I had an arrow nocked and was more alert , I might have had a shot . Watched a doe feeding over 400 yards away . Later (around 5:15 pm ), I saw a doe and fawn in the deep weeds/grass about 200 yards away . At 6 pm , the doe with two fawns stepped into the far end of the bean field and were eating . At about 6:10 , I heard a deer warning sound in the lot beyond the mama and fawns . They watched in that direction for a couple minutes and took off . Then I saw 2 deer hauling butt from where the sound came from . No shots but at least I saw some deer .
  3. I am with Bubba on this . I wouldn't turn him in but I would tell him how I feel and if he persisted with his lack of hunting ethics , I wouldn't hunt with him anymore . It's Poaching no matter how you slice it !
  4. Early ---- don't hunt near any Oak Trees . That would be unfair to the deer .
  5. The writer used some poor English and spelling ..... Better be careful when driving a " hum eye " .... duh !
  6. I hate it when we go back to Standard Time . I have to get up an hour earlier in the am to get to a stand or blind an hour before sunrise .
  7. fasteddie

    WNY wind

    I have never had much luck hunting on a windy day . It always seemed like the deer tended to wait it out for the wind to die down .
  8. Some folks don't like the WB because there is contact with the shaft and it slows down the arrow . A big "2 to 3 fps" ...... wow , big deal ! You wouldn't even notice that . Something I found that helped when I used a WB was putting Armor All on the length of the shaft . It also helped when pulling arrows out of a 3-D target .
  9. At least 1 hour before sunrise . The leaves are usually wet / damp and don't crunch so minimum noise . Gives it time for things to settle down .
  10. I used a WB for a few years and had good luck with it . I wanted to switch vanes and shoot Quick Sin Vanes and switched to Drop Away Rests . The WB is a great rest for hunting .
  11. Dicks in Webster looked like they have a pretty good ammo supply . I need to get some CC! 200 larger rifle primers but i'm not in a hurry .
  12. Walked to the Blind in almost pitch black this am . Settled in and waited and waited and waited .... nothing . It was a bit nippy out but also damp . All I saw was a couple squirrels playing . Hardly any wind as the swamp water as calm and there were no ducks out there . The season is starting to become a bit depressing ! At least I avoided the rain today . Checked the weather for tomorrow . 7 am rain and snow . Winds start at 14mph and going to 25 mph with some wind gusts much higher . Maybe I will stay home and make some points and do a couple of " honey-do " jobs !
  13. Not going hunting today . Have some chores to do but ..... I am going to try to get down to Walworth and set up a Hub Blind . With all the rain forecasted for the next few days I don't want to sit in the rain and get soaked in a tree stand and I can't get any deer sitting at home . Should probably be hunting along Rt 21 near Bristol .Doug Emblidge ( channel 13 News ) said his wife hit a deer the other day and since he moved to Bristol he has had 7 deer / car accidents .
  14. Sheesh , what crappy weather . Sat in a stand in Walworth from just before 4 pm until 6:30 . Never saw a thing . It was cccccccold . It sprinkled off and on and got breezy at times . Wanted to see if there was any deer movement as it got dark when all of a sudden all hell broke loose . It started to Hail . It came down hard enough that it hurt when it hit . Moved as fast as my old legs would take me to get back to my vehicle . Looks like a lot of showers in the week .
  15. Going down to Walworth in a short while . Heard that my friend's neighbor that live 3 or 4 houses north of him shot a big buck . It hadn't been on my friend's property or we would have had it on one of the cameras . I passed on going out this am as rair was forecasted but it didn't rain . Rain is also forecasted at 4 pm so we shall see ........... I just answered the door and it is sprinkling outside . Hope it lets up !
  16. Going down to Walworth in a short while . Heard that my friend's neighbor that live 3 or 4 houses north of him shot a big buck . It hadn't been on my friend's property or we would have had it on one of the cameras . I passed on going out this am as rair was forecasted but it didn't rain . Rain is also forecasted at 4 pm so we shall see ...........
  17. I used to frequent Hunting.net , DSH , Archery Talk , NAHC , D&DH sites but hardly anymore since Burmjon started this site . A lot of primadonas there and of course we don't have that here !
  18. Here is what I had posted a few years ago and it works with a $7 lock . http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/878-ladderstand-deterrant/
  19. I know properties that aren't posted and I wouldn't go on them just because of that . People should respect property that belongs to others . I don't see why it has to be posted !
  20. My Senior's Smart Phone doesn't have all that stuff / aps
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