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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. I swapped a 8F for a 8H today so it worked out for me . Now all I have to do is connect !
  2. Welcome to hynting ny
  3. He might be Turkey Hunting early .......
  4. Here's a RCBS deal from Midway ---- save $100 http://www.midwayusa.com/product/626633/product?cm_mmc=pe_Tier3-_-Super_Sonic_Promos-_-Other_20131107_1-_-Main_Image&[email protected]&cm_mmca2=CustNum=14519012
  5. Property is posted but folks still show up . We bow hunt the property and others are bird hunters yet this Dumb Ass feels it's okay to jog on the property .
  6. I have ordered from Midsouth , Midway and Natchez .
  7. I bought most of my reloading dies , etc from Midway . I think their shipping costs are a bit high though .
  8. I have a single pin slider sight . It is set at 20 yards . It was dead on at both 10 and 20 yards in the back yard but at a lesser angle and only shooting at a 10 foot height . At other spots that I hunt , I usually shoot a couple of practice arrows before getting down and it has been spot on . I rushed the shot so I could take it before the doe was no longer in the clearing . I agree that a clean miss is better than a bad hit and just wounding a deer. Thanks all .........
  9. Get a good reloading book like Lyman's and read it before making the jump . I started reloading a few years ago . Started out with 223 and 7-30 waters . Then went to 25-06 , 270 , 44 mag and 357 . I bought some reloading equipment cheap back when the "Swap Sheet" was around then added to it as it became necessary . Once you have the tools , you add the components and git 'r done . You can tweak your loads for the gun you plan to shoot with . If you can get the components you need , you will find yourself shooting more Once you start reloading , do it without any outside interference ( no TV , no Radio , no Phone ) so as not to be disturbed . If you don't want to do all this , buy your ammo .
  10. All the crying and whining I have done this season about no deer being close or not getting a shot was blown this am . I drove to Pittsford and used my youngest son's stand .At 7:15 I spotted a doe behind me . She was downwind from me and traveled through the trees rather quickly . There was a second doe behind her walking slower . When she hit the opening , I drew and released my arrow and thought I had hit her . She moved off and just stood there . The 1st doe came back to her and they hauled butt . I waited 1/2 hour , got down and looked for my arrow . It was stuck in the ground . Mothing on it but dirt . A complete miss ! The stand is a 15' stand and another 5' higher than the ground I was shooting at so about 20' up and a 33 degree angle at an actual 12 yards . Should have been a chip shot ! Did I drop my bow arm ? Did I not bend at the waste ? I don't know . It was instantanious ..... I shot a couple practice arrows and noticed that the arrow jumped off the rest and next to the riser . It's a Trophy Ridge drop away and I wonder if the steep angle causes that . Didn't have any problems when I was practicing in the back yard this summer . Anyway , I am quite disappointed with myself !!!
  11. I bought a nice boning knife at Joe's Meat Market and it was inexpensive .
  12. I am using Firefox and everything above where I am typing is faded out . Cannot click onto anything .
  13. Same here ... can't change font , size , color or anything !
  14. Joe's Meat Market ---6845 North Slocum Road in Ontario NY ...315-524-8252 I have been doing my own for several years now . There is a place on Haley Road Walworth / Ontario area but I would never go there again . Also another guy that butchers deer on Walworth - Palmyra Road in the village of Walworth just South of the 4 corners .
  15. Now , that's funny ! And , what about the Braile on the keypad at the Drive Thru ATM !
  16. Now , that's funny ! What about the Braile on the keypad at the drive-up ATM !
  17. Went to Geneseo this am for an afternoon hunt . On the way I stopped in Webster to get some of the left over tags ( like I need them ) ..... Got 2 for 8F as there was a limited supply left for any 8 areas . When I got to the property I repaired my SILs treestand as a couple of the pressure treated 2X4's needed replacing . I then cleared a couple of spots for a possible placement of Ground Blinds . A couple hours later I headed for a ladder stand that's about 500 yards North of the stand I repaired in the am . Sat there until 5 pm and I saw were 4 doe and 1 buck way across the neighbor's property . Nothing came out until 4:30 . It was cold and I was thinking there has to be a fine line between sitting 15' up in a tree with a bow freezing your butt off and being nuts !
  18. Cold winters will be hard on the fawns so you might just as well put their mama in the freezer !
  19. Sometimes another doe will tend to a motherless fawn .
  20. The Glitch was caused by Obama's Insurance sign up crash ! j/k
  21. Shoot the doe . The fawns will be fine . They are gonna get booted out of the nest pretty soon anyway !
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