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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. Happy Birthday youse guys !
  2. I like it darker in the morning at 7 am like it is now especially when Deer Season opens . It's nice to have the sun out later in the day . After the clock change in the fall , I have to get up an hour earlier to hunt .
  3. As far as the courses go , most of it is safety and 8 hours of that is a bit much . The instructors have to drag it out to make it last 8 hours and repeat everything several times .Why not just cover Archery , Gun and Crossbow in one course . When my youngest son wanted to bow hunt , he took the Archery course . About 2 weeks before bow season opened he applied for his archery license but couldn't get it because he hadn't taken the gun safety course . He had no intention of gun hunting but that didn't matter . He was up the creek ! I guess it would be up to the DEC to decide what would be necessary for "training" .
  4. Yeah , we went to Movies 10 . It's $2 per person now . The theater was clean and the seats were okay . Then again , we walked in when the previews were showing so it was pretty dark but at any rate it was clean . No matter what theater we go to , Movies 10 , Regal , Loews , etc , it always seems like they play too loud . It was a good movie .
  5. The wife and I took our youngest son to a movie and then to the Longhorn Steak House in Henrietta today . The movie was quite good even though we all knew the outcome . Maya , the female CIA operative spent a decade tracking down OBL and her perseverance paid off . It will probably hit Red Box in a couple weeks .
  6. What you need to understand is ..... people are buying the ammo up as soon as it hits the shelves and often paying a high marked up price for it . Also , guys that might normally buy a box of 50 22 cals will buy 2-3 bricks and hoard the ammo .
  7. Money Talks ---- BS Walks ! So we can tell the state and local police agencies that they won't be supported by many manufacturers but not the Federal Government . Wait and see how many of these guns are put into the hands of NYS police agencies . Then again they are gonna be screwed because the guns are Remington made .......
  8. There were a lot of people missing from church this morning . Every year at this time .
  9. 5000 sniper rifles for the military ? You gotta be kidding ! Are you telling me that there are over 5000 snipers in the military ? I don't think so . $16,000 per rifle with ammo ???
  10. Here ya go ..............considered a WMD
  11. Money wise , it's a great decision but they sure aren't falling in line supporting the gun rights of NY citizens like other companies . Big deal . 900 jobs secured for the sake of greed .
  12. Remington lands $80M deal Military orders over 5,000 rifles Associated Press ILION — Remington Arms has been awarded a nearly $80 million contract from the Pentagon to produce sniper ri­fles at the company’s Mohawk Valley plant, an upstate New York congress­man said Friday. U.S. Rep. Richard Hanna, whose 22nd District includes the plant in Ilion in Herkimer County, said the contract calls for Remington to make more than 5,000 sniper rifles and millions of rounds over 10 years for the U.S. Special Operations Command. Hanna, a Republican, called Reming­ton “the premier manufacturer” of snip­er rifles for the American military. Un­der the contract, the company will pro­duce the Remington Modular Sniper Ri­fle, or MSR, which has a range of up to 1,500 meters, or just under a mile. The contract announcement came two days after a group of state lawmak­ers met with Remington officials who told the legislators that the company plans to spend $20 million upgrading its gun manufacturing plant in Ilion. Local media outlets report that three senators and three Assembly members met with Remington officials on Wednesday to discuss what they could do to ensure the company keeps its plant in Ilion, where the company employs about 1,200 people. Concerns were raised about the company’s future in Ili­on after the Legislature passed a law banning the sale of military-style rifles, including the Bushmaster product made at the plant. Since the law was passed in mid-Jan­uary, other states have shown interest in having Remington relocate the plant. Remington officials haven’t com­mented on the upgrade plans. Remington has been a part of Ilion since 1816, when Eliphalet Remington crafted a flintlock rifle on his father’s forge. In addition to producing firearms and ammunition for the military and law enforcement, the Madison, N.C.-based company also makes weapons for hunt­ing and shooting sports.
  13. If it's doing so well , why are there so many County board members and Sheriffs against them .? someone is fudging the numbers !
  14. I e-mailed it to several people and a couple responded with , " is this for real ? Is this a joke ? "
  15. I have the same camera but havn't had any problem wity it ( yet ) . Not sure if if even know where the usb cord is for the camera . Does it take a common cord with USB on both ends ? I guess I could pull the instructions and see ........
  16. Welcome to Hunting NY ...... hey , you can spell your name backwards
  17. Another bit of advice , don't use this method to start the saw ..........
  18. I have had a couple of cheap 16" Poulons that I used when I bought log loads to cut up for our wood stove . The original saw was stolen and I bought another to replace it . Both worked fine but the newer one doesn't oil the chain as well as the original did . I figured the Stihl would be an upgrade . I doubt that I will be cutting anything any bigger than a 12" diameter . Thanks for the input !
  19. I have a Poulon chain saw that I bought about 20 years ago and it's okay but I thought I would upgrade . I just bought a Stihl 16" MS 180 C . It is has a 31.8 CC engine . Bought the saw , case , 6 pack of synthetic oil and extra chain . I plan to help my son cut and clear some trees on my SILs property in Geneseo and thought a new saw might be just the ticket . I checked reviews on various saw models and brands and this saw seemed to come out on top . I expect to put it to the test in the next couple of weeks . Does anyone own one of these saws ? I think the Stihl saw my son has is a 20" model . I'll leave the bigger stuff for him to cut .
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