That's what I get for not being a computer Nerd ....... Maybe I should get that book ...Computers for Dummies and learn something . I know just enough to get out of trouble .
Deerthug , I hope you get the problem fixed !
I paid the the jacket on Wednesday . They sent it out and I got it today . That was quick . I hooked up the battery charger and plugged the battery in and will probably give the jacket a Test Run tomorrow .
I think many of the stores and law enforcement are going to do at little as possible to stir the pot . They have to make a little effort to cover their butts . They aren't happy about Prince Andy's Laws .
Hey - I have to spend my retirement money on something . I have hunting clothes that are warm as long as I walk but sitting in a tree stand with my back against a frozen tree is a bit much . I will think of you guys when I am sitting in the cold all nice and warm ! lol