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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. It's blowing pretty hard here in Ontario right now . The lights flickered a while ago . Sure hope we don't lose power .
  2. That is my understanding . It eliminates the need to tune anything .
  3. Well , if you 315'ers head West , there are some gun shops in Civilization Custom Gun Shop ---Walworth --- 315 986 1717 Kielon's Guns shop --- Webster --- 585 872 2256 Beikirchs --- East Rochester ------- 585 248 3660 Here are a few other places ... location , web address , etc http://www.armsdealer.net/businesses/category/gun-shops/new-york/rochester
  4. Newbreed --- try shooting the practice head with your hunting jacket , shirt , whatever . Could you be hitting the sleeve of what you are hunting with ?
  5. I have had good luck with the Rage II's but want to try the Swhackers this season .
  6. Went to Mass at the Monastery in Piffard this am . Saw several road kill deer on 590 and 390 on the way down and back . Saw a flock of turkeys right next to the x-way just before leaving 590 and getting onto 390 South .
  7. Gassed up the Subi and gas cans in case of a power outage . Want to make sure I can run the generator if needed .
  8. That poor buck has been killed in numerous states too many times . Time to put him in someone's freezer .
  9. I received a picture text message that a buck had been killed by a vehicle on Monroe - Wayne County Line road . Later I was told that the picture has been sent stating t5hat the buck had been killed on various roads in different counties in different states . Anyway , it's a great looking rack !
  10. Outdoor furniture put away . The rain let up and I got any loose stuff put away . Bought the stuff for the flashing but didn't get it on ........dayum !
  11. OOPS ! And some of us go to church and don't get instant PMs ......
  12. Welcome to Hunting NY . Don't forget to read the RULES ......
  13. Ladder Stand Directions state to have the flat part of the foot platform facing the front . Probably so it won't obstruct a person climbing into the stand . I put mine on back asswards so the the curved side faces out and you have to climb over it . This gives me 3 - 4 extra inches of foot rest . The pic I am posting has the rest facing the opposite direction as the instructions state . It works for me .......
  14. I have gotten the extras in the past and not filled them . I figured I was cheating someone else out of tags if I got more than I filled .
  15. I havn't had a shot yet so no need to go for extras .
  16. Since the gun is no longer for sale , I will lock the thread .......
  17. Sat in my Walworth ladder stand from 6:45 to 10 am . Same old crap . Didn't see a thing . Talked to the property owner at 10:30 . He said my stand is in the wrong place and told me where there are a couple of scrapes about 300 yards closer to his house . He said he has daytime pics of a 6 point in that area . Not sure whether to put up a chain-on or a ladder stand there ....... A tent blind wouldn't give me much of any visibility .
  18. Looks like it's gonna have to chew a new hole .............
  19. My youngest son took 2 shots this am . He said the 1st one was close , he panicked . The string hit his jacket and armguard and was a low shot . The 2nd one was a 40 yarder . I told him that if he doesn't practice at that distance or farther he shouldn't be taking the shot . Anyway that was low also . It would have made my day just to have seen the 2 bucks ! I'l try the same area tomorrow am that I was at today . I think the deer travel through every few days . Maybe i'll hit it lucky . Can't shoot them from the computer .
  20. Went to the stand down the road and sat until 10 am . Never saw a thing . Shot a couple of test arrows before climbing down from the stand . Not sure what to do tomorrow as with the warm weather , I only hunt the morning . Looks like some real crappy weather from Saturday through next Wednesday .
  21. Aren't you one of the folks that "NEVER" get poison ivy !
  22. Nothing like taking a kid hunting early .......... Welcome to Hunting NY
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