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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. Newbreed --- try shooting the practice head with your hunting jacket , shirt , whatever . Could you be hitting the sleeve of what you are hunting with ?
  2. I have had good luck with the Rage II's but want to try the Swhackers this season .
  3. Went to Mass at the Monastery in Piffard this am . Saw several road kill deer on 590 and 390 on the way down and back . Saw a flock of turkeys right next to the x-way just before leaving 590 and getting onto 390 South .
  4. Gassed up the Subi and gas cans in case of a power outage . Want to make sure I can run the generator if needed .
  5. That poor buck has been killed in numerous states too many times . Time to put him in someone's freezer .
  6. I received a picture text message that a buck had been killed by a vehicle on Monroe - Wayne County Line road . Later I was told that the picture has been sent stating t5hat the buck had been killed on various roads in different counties in different states . Anyway , it's a great looking rack !
  7. Outdoor furniture put away . The rain let up and I got any loose stuff put away . Bought the stuff for the flashing but didn't get it on ........dayum !
  8. OOPS ! And some of us go to church and don't get instant PMs ......
  9. Welcome to Hunting NY . Don't forget to read the RULES ......
  10. Ladder Stand Directions state to have the flat part of the foot platform facing the front . Probably so it won't obstruct a person climbing into the stand . I put mine on back asswards so the the curved side faces out and you have to climb over it . This gives me 3 - 4 extra inches of foot rest . The pic I am posting has the rest facing the opposite direction as the instructions state . It works for me .......
  11. I have gotten the extras in the past and not filled them . I figured I was cheating someone else out of tags if I got more than I filled .
  12. I havn't had a shot yet so no need to go for extras .
  13. Since the gun is no longer for sale , I will lock the thread .......
  14. Sat in my Walworth ladder stand from 6:45 to 10 am . Same old crap . Didn't see a thing . Talked to the property owner at 10:30 . He said my stand is in the wrong place and told me where there are a couple of scrapes about 300 yards closer to his house . He said he has daytime pics of a 6 point in that area . Not sure whether to put up a chain-on or a ladder stand there ....... A tent blind wouldn't give me much of any visibility .
  15. Looks like it's gonna have to chew a new hole .............
  16. My youngest son took 2 shots this am . He said the 1st one was close , he panicked . The string hit his jacket and armguard and was a low shot . The 2nd one was a 40 yarder . I told him that if he doesn't practice at that distance or farther he shouldn't be taking the shot . Anyway that was low also . It would have made my day just to have seen the 2 bucks ! I'l try the same area tomorrow am that I was at today . I think the deer travel through every few days . Maybe i'll hit it lucky . Can't shoot them from the computer .
  17. Went to the stand down the road and sat until 10 am . Never saw a thing . Shot a couple of test arrows before climbing down from the stand . Not sure what to do tomorrow as with the warm weather , I only hunt the morning . Looks like some real crappy weather from Saturday through next Wednesday .
  18. Aren't you one of the folks that "NEVER" get poison ivy !
  19. Nothing like taking a kid hunting early .......... Welcome to Hunting NY
  20. Put peanut butter on a mouse trap . If he get the PB and doesn't spring the trap , his tongue will no doubt stick to the roof of his mouth and he will die of starvation ..........
  21. Welcome to Hunting NY ...... Read the Rules for the site please
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