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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. The Future of the Horizontal Bow From the July 2006 Whitetail Journal Magazine An interview with Ottie Snyder ( media specialist with Horton Manufacturing ) WJ -- Why have we seen such an increase in the number of states that permit the use of crossbows during bow season or have special crossbow seasons for whitetail hunters ? Snyder -- Hunter numbers continue to decrease , however the crossbow is fairly easy for even a beginning archer to become extremely proficient with in a very short time . Youngsters , women and people who have never considered shooting a vertical bow can enjoy a crossbow and begin to hunt quickly . Too , older hunters who can’t pull vertical bows any longer have found they can hunt effectively with a crossbow . WJ -- What’s another reason we’ve seen the crossbow grow in popularity ? Snyder -- White-tailed deer numbers continue to increase nationwide , especially in Urban areas where hunting isn’t permitted . We’re seeing more deer/car accidents and landscapes like expensive shrubs being eaten by deer . Where gun hunting is unacceptable in suburbs , both bow and crossbow hunting can be safely used to help reduce deer numbers even in the most populated areas . WJ -- What seems to be the largest section of the hunting population that’s starting to utilize the crossbow ? Snyder -- So far , it looks to be youth and women . But we’re also seeing a number of Urban upper -echelon management hunters who spend five or six days a week at the office and have had to give up archery because they’re so busy and don’t have enough practice time to be proficient with vertical bows . But , a hunter can zero in a crossbow in 30 minutes and then be ready to hunt , without having to practice for hours like he or she will with a longbow . Today , people are so busy that when they have the opportunity to go hunting , even if they havn’t had time to practice to be proficient , the crossbow will still meet their needs .
  2. We have some tough squirrels in Wayne County
  3. Took this a few years ago on Rt 64 , Pittsford after bucks had dropped their antlers .........
  4. Those coyotes are gettin' lazy and even try to hitch rides !!!!!!!!
  5. I thought I was wrong one but I was wrong !
  6. Didn't someone start a yearly Coyote Contest in or near Honeoye a few years ago . I recall reading in the Rochester D&C that anti-hunters were complaining about the "contest" .........
  7. I started to go out to a couple spots to set up new stands but the "skeeters" have been pretty bad .
  8. I have found several excellent hunting items on EBAY and a couple on AMAZON .
  9. The farmer applies for the permits and has to show proof of economic loss due to the damage to his crops . Most farmers don't apply because there is paperwork involved and they won't spend the time to process it . Then they complain about how much money they lost because of damage by the deer . We don't shoot after dark which is legal . You can shoot up to 11 pm and use artificial lights which I think is foolish . I wouldn't want to be sitting in my home and hear a rifle shot at 10:30 pm . You can only use center fire rifles so you have to be extremely careful as to where your bullet goes . We have passed up shots while practicing extreme safety . I would not want to see the area opened up to rifles for Regular Gun Season . This may sound hypocritical but I don't think all hunters would practice the extreme safety required in moderate populated areas .
  10. I started reloadingfor my 223 and 7-30 waters a few years ago . My oldest son got me to load some 44 mags for him . I still have to try doing the roll crimp on those rounds . I am presently working up a load for his 270 . Gotta get busy with that this week .
  11. Welcome . Tell us about those big deer we haer about in Steuben county .......
  12. I saw a farmer being interviewed on TV a few years ago . He was complaining about the deer eating his crops and said he couldn't plant his money crop (kidney beans) as there would be nothing left in the field but hoof prints . He said he had hunters come in and shoot the deer using Deer Damage Permits . I talked to him about it and he offered me a couple permits . I said I felt uneasy about it and was told , if I didn't want them there were other folks that would so I took the permits and filled them . I got my oldest son involved and he in turn got his brother started with the permits . We can also hunt the properties during bow season and the farmers are thankful . I would bet this wouldn't be necessary if they would open up Mendon Ponds Park and Powder Mill Park for Archery Season . Farmers can lose thousands of dollars a year due to crop damage . I know a lot of folks scoff at this but the farmers are grateful ...........
  13. Some video of Mendon Deer from 6-30-10 Tried to modify but couldn't ........ Sorry
  14. We aren't going to agree with everything that is posted but i'll bet a lot of folks that don't post have some excellent ideas / advice . I know I say some things that come back to bite me in the butt later but that's the nature of the beast .
  15. I looked at a few random posts and see a lot of View activity but little in responses which makes me think they are afraid to respond or their keyboards don't work . C'mon , let's have some participation . Share your thoughts and views . Responses Views 0 20 1 52 34 689 4 113 14 338 21 444 12 255 17 327
  16. Does anyone shoot deer during the summer with Deer Damage Permits ? Flame away ............. :'(
  17. I had a few stickers on the rear window of the cap on my S-10 . One of them said" Guns don't kill people , Drivers with cellphones do" I came out of a store and was putting stuff in the back end of the truck and saw where someone had written "32 dead at Virginia Tech" with a black marker and then keyed the side of my truck .
  18. I retired from Xerox in 1998 after working there for 35 years . For the past few years I have been working parttime for a frriend installing and removing Real estate signs . It gets me out and about and I scout some of my hunting areas when I do this ..........Life is Good ! .. ...
  19. Great looking cabin Culvercreek .......
  20. Click on the site and then click on the region and you will get the names of the ECO for that area http://www.dec.ny.gov/about/621.html
  21. When I was a kid I would shoot squirrels and my mother would fry them up for me . Tasty ! When I was home on leave from the Marine Corps , my brother in law and I shot some rats at the dump with his 22 pistol . The next day I went squirrel hunting and shot a couple . I didn't snip their tails as I had done in the past . When I pulled the hide off , I pulled the furry tail off the tailbone and thought , my gosh , it's a rat . I havn't eaten one since .
  22. How much work do you do on any of your bows ? I have put in peeps , loops , sights , drop away rests , string nocks , string silencers , string vibration dampners , etc .. I try to do as much as I can and it gives me a better understanding of what makes a bow tick . I have NEVER put a string or cable on a bow . I have always taken my bow to a shop to have that work done . I bought the Bowmaster Bow Press so I can put twists in the string (if necessary) and add string leeches , etc . .
  23. Glad to see you made it Bruce ! Start posting the GPS coordinates of those great hunting spots of yours ! : .. ..
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