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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. Stealth Cams are very reliable ........
  2. I have practiced at longer distances but I try to keep it under 35 yards . Too much can happen in a split second . Targets don't move . Deer do . ???
  3. I have a NEF 50 cal Huntsman . I use 90 gr of loose 777 powder and a 240 gr TC Hornaday XTP sabots .
  4. Lookin' good . One of the Food Plot Gurus said food plots should be shaped like an hour glass and the treestands should be placed at the narrow spots wher the deer would be closer when passing through .
  5. I heard someone slipped it into the stack of papers that Governor Patterson was signing as Vetos ............ ??? ... ??? ... ???
  6. This was my last job . Not really but it seemed like it !
  7. The reason for our wait is that they wait for the pile to stack up before anyone breaks out a pen to sign them . I wonder what he/she does the rest of the time !
  8. I stopped off at the bowshop in Williamson this past spring . My youngest son was ready to drop $ 1200 - $1400 on a Bowtech Admiral with sight , rest , quiver , bowcase , etc . I talked to the owner's dad and another guy behind the counter . When the owner arrived , he spent his time on the phone and never talked to me . I pee'd away an hour and decided to leave but I left a list of what I wanted , my home phone # and cell phone # . I never got a call . Apparently the guy is well off and didn't need my son's money . I talked to a friend on another site and was able to get my son a Limbsaver DZ32 at a great price . My son picked up an EXtreme 4 pin sight and I found a Trophy ridge drop Zone and I set that up . It's shooting great . Maybe the bow shop did me a favor by not taking my money ! :
  9. Personally , I had never felt it necessary because many of them overcharge to make up for lack of business . I wanted a string and cable replaced on my Ben Pearson TX-4 . I was going to to take it to one of the larger shops but remembered there is a shop on the Walworth-Ontario road and took it there . Dave (at Trophy Taker Archery) did an excellent job and was very reasonable in price . He didn't charge me any more for the peep than it would have cost in the Big Box Store . Kinda restored my faith in the small guy .
  10. fasteddie


    Rock ........ Click on a member's name and it will show what they are shooting . That is , if they completed their profile .
  11. There is a lot of work to making a footed shaft , especially when you don have a lathe .
  12. My oldest son makes his own arrows (footed shafts) with various hardwoods . Here are a few pics . Some of the self nocks have a piece if antler in them .......................
  13. I think I have seen a few of those bottles along 390 on the way home ..........shame on you : .. : .. :
  14. In 1998 , I had to wait for 16 weeks to get my original pistol permit . It was a 44 mag Thopmson Contender . Since then i have purchased 3 more barrels and am required to have a permit for each barrel even though there is no serial # on the barrel so each one is registered to the same frame . Kinda dumb . A Sheriff Deputy friend said all I had to do was register the pistol as multi-caliber and use one permit . I checked with a neighbor who is a NY State Police Lt and he said individual permits and the County Clerk told me the same thing . When I bought my 22/45 Ruger pistol , I got the permit in the mail in less than a week . I purchased a pistol 2 1/2 weeks ago and was told not to bother calling the Clerk's office as the person they deliver them to waits until he / she has a big stack and then signs them . The guy ahead of me in the store was from Livingston County and walked out of the store the same day he purchased the gun . I can wait but it makes no sense as to the way each county processes the permits . In many counties , all the permits are on one paper . In Wayne County there is a separate paper for each pistol . Go figure ! : .. : .. :
  15. Goodness gracious , are you implying that you know more than the Media Specialist for Horton ? ??? ... ??? ... ??? 30 minutes of practice and you are good to go ........... Set out my decoy at 90 yards and i'm all set .
  16. The Game Tracker / String Tracker (from what i could find out) has a string attached to the clip at the base of the broadhead that I guess you follow to find the deer . Apparently it didn't work with this buck . I shot this deer on Lima road in Geneseo with my 50 cal NEF Huntsman inline .
  17. Now - If you can only figure how to get it out of the crate so you can use it ! .. ..
  18. I have tried my luck with Yotes and only killed 2 . I cannot bring myself to sit out in freezing weather to shoot them . With deer , it's a different story as that puts meat on the table . I made a Coyote Caller , bought tapes and it just collect dust . I should give it to my son and see if he wants to try it out . I used on my sister in laws property in Geneseo and the caller brought in some fox but she doesn't want them shot as she belongs to the Genesee Valley Hunt Club . They chase the fox on horseback . http://s271.photobucket.com/albums/jj146/parker-bows/?action=view&current=FasteddieshomemadeCoyoteCaller_0001.flv
  19. No reason to go that fast ! Could end up with a mess or cut hand .......
  20. Did someone cut down a tree where you have the camera ?
  21. Small Racked 8 point that I shot in 2006 . I was sitting in an Outhouse blind almost ready to call it quits when 3 doe hauled butt past me . I wasn't about to take a running shot with the ML . I convinced myself that I would stay until 5 pm . At almost 5 , I spotted a buck coming from where I had parked my truck As he got within 60 yards and presented a safe shot , I poked the barrel out of the side opening . The canvas was brittle a made a little noise . He ran and stopped . I had the scope on him all the way and squeezed the trigger . The buck ran about 30 yards and folded up . I walked over to make sure he was dead and noticed something odd . He had something sticking out of his cheek . It was a broken arrow and when I touched it , I could see where it down by his throat . When I cut up the deer , I removed the arrow . It had a clip attached and I wondered what it was . After posting a pic of the arrow , I was told that it was a Game Tracker . See for yourself ...........
  22. Last week I was watching the Police Show , Flashpoint which takes place in Toronto , I think about a SWAT Team . Anyway a woman was holding a clerk and another person hostage with a revolver . The head cop was looking through the binos and described the gun as a .380 . I do believe a .380 is a semi-auto pistol and a revolver is a .38 . Apparently the writers don't check things out . Sorry to bore you but things have slowed down .......... : ... : ... :
  23. I know the May's very well. They are surrounded by some pretty good land. Unfortunately I don't believe anyone is allowed to hunt in that area. One of the owners of a large piece of that land had one of their prize Great Dane's shot by mistake. That was quite a long time ago but they still keep out all hunters. Nope. The owner died a few years ago. The entire inventory was purchased by a gun shop out near Sodus. I bought a few guns and a lot of ammo from Appletown over the years. Was sad to see the old man go. I've thought about buying the place many times. We have breakfast with the Mays almost every Sunday after Mass . Carol doesn't want anyone hunting their property but she was thinking about it when the deer got her veggies . She did ask me to shoot a woodchuck for her once . Jim asked me a couple times if I wanted to set up a trail cam and I told him no sense in teasing myself . We cross sountry ski & Snowshoe through the orchards sometimes . The guy who owned the great dane that was shot , puts an ad in the local Penny Savers every hunting season for at least the past ten years . Yeah , once the owner of Appletown Gun Shop died , it went downhill . They had a nice little shop . There aren't all that many gunsmiths around any more . Dave Dentico at the Custom Gun Shop in Walworth is always busy and finally got someone to watch the shop while he works on guns .
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